How to earn +$285,750 in nails salon
Mike Inishev
CEO and Founder of Boomerangme, Inc. | #1 Loyalty platform for SMBs, designed for Digital Agencies (backed by Startup Lab, 500global)
After rebranding in the end of the 2020, NMB marketing department printed thousands of cards with accumulative promotion. Some of them had already been issued to clients before the digital version was implemented.
However, this was not an issue during the transition to digital cards: salon administrators manually transferred collected stamps from printed cards to digital ones by using Boomerangme mobile app.
NailMakerBar stamps card example.
Promotion system in NMB is more complex than most. The client will need to go through a cycle of 21 total visits:
Multi-award promotion helps launch cross-sales.
This promotion feature encourages cross-sale of similar services. At the same time, it feels more dynamic for the clients, who can get multiple different awards within one cycle. It is almost like the clients are playing a game with the brand and earn small prizes on the way to winning a super prize.
After all required stamps have been collected, the card automatically renews and continues to accumulate new stamps. There is no need to reissue anything.
The promotion described above showed excellent statistics.
Within the first 3 months after launching Boomerangme service in 20 NMB studios, we were able to reach impressive results:
Use digital coupons to attract clients.
In addition to accumulative cards for clients NMB also launched digital bonus coupons in order to attract new clients.
Digital coupon offering a bonus for the first visit.
Follow the link to issue and see the coupon:
Coupons are great for advertising a salon though Instagram and Facebook.
A new client can simply follow the link from an ad and go to the card issue form, which will let them download a coupon to their phone. After that the service automatically offers the client to book a visit through YCLIENTS after 2, 24, 48 and 72 hours.?
If the client does not book the first visit, their details will be transferred to an administrator who can can establish further communication.
The card issue form looks and works like a regular lead-form. You can also add analytics to it and place facebook pixel code on it in order to optimize advertising campaigns.
After the client’s first visit the coupon will automatically turn into an accumulative card with the first stamp already added. As a result, the salon gets a system that helps attracting and maintaining clients automatically.
Coupon report example that shows the digital coupon attraction funnel.
All client attraction statistics can be seen in the funnel report. It gets updated in real time and shows data from the moment of coupon installation till the moment when a new client turns into a regular (3 and more visits).
Currently Boomerangme is the only service on the market that can reliably show LTV of your customer attraction funnel.
"The service Boomerangme allowed us to transition the paper loyalty cards into our clients’ smartphones and made the process of entering the loyalty program seamless and automatic for all users. We threw away all the stamps and cards - the system awards stamps automatically and reminds clients about their gifts. The administrator only needs to register a discount. Thanks to the implementation of the new loyalty system, the number of customers who joined it grew and we received a lot of positive feedback."
Tatiana Solei