How to Dry Cold Press Briquettes?

How to Dry Cold Press Briquettes?

#howtodrycoldpressbriquette #briquettecuring #coldpressbriquette #binderofcoldpressbriquette #binderselection #binderrecommendation #coldpressbriquetteadhesive

Today, I want to talk about the drying methods for briquettes, drying cold press briquettes is a crucial step in ensuring their quality and performance. A good briquette should withstand the drop, handling, transporting, loading, and charging.

Different methods are employed based on various factors such as production scale, local climate, and budget. Here are three common drying methods used in the industry:


Oven-drying is typically utilized by large-scale producers with an annual output ranging from 100,000 to 400,000 tons or more. This method involves using industrial ovens or dryers to heat the briquettes at high temperatures, which accelerates the drying process. The advantages of oven-drying include precise control over temperature and drying time, leading to uniform quality. However, it requires significant investment in equipment and energy.

Natural Drying

Natural drying, also known as room-temperature drying, is suitable for mid-sized producers with annual outputs between 50,000 and 100,000 tons. This method relies on ambient temperature and weather conditions for drying. It involves spreading the briquettes in a large, well-ventilated space and allowing them to cure over a period of 7 to 10 days. The effectiveness of natural drying depends heavily on the local climate, including temperature and humidity. This method is more cost-effective but requires ample space and time.


Sun-drying is commonly used in regions with high temperatures, such as Middle Eastern and African countries. Briquettes are spread out under direct sunlight, leveraging the sun’s heat to expedite the drying process. This method is particularly beneficial in areas with consistently high temperatures and low humidity. While it is an energy-efficient option, it is dependent on weather conditions and may require 2-4days to achieve the desired dryness.

Binder Recommendations

The choice of binder for briquettes depends on the drying method used, as well as the raw materials, material content, production details, and specific requirements of the briquettes.

Generally, there are two types of binders:

Oven-Dry Binder: If you have access to an oven or drying equipment, we recommend using an oven-dry binder. This binder typically requires heating at 150°C for about 2 hours to achieve hardening. It is designed to work optimally with the controlled conditions provided by an oven or industrial dryer.

Natural Dry or Sun-Dry Binder: For producers who rely on natural or sun-drying methods, a natural dry or sun-dry binder is more suitable. This type of binder takes 4 to 6 days to cure and is formulated to perform well under ambient drying conditions.

Each binder is tailored to enhance the durability and quality of the briquettes, so choosing the right one based on your drying method is essential for achieving the best results.

Binder inquiry: [email protected]


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