How to draw a curved line in Adobe Illustrator? + Video
Curved Line in Adobe Illustrator

How to draw a curved line in Adobe Illustrator? + Video


Well welcome to another article on PCScience. we will draw curved lines in Illustrator into tools and in two ways.

So, first thing first we are going to open Adobe Illustrator. I’m using the latest version. I recommend it to you too.

There are some templates for starting. For time-saving, We recommend you use common mode because we don’t want to get into resolution topic.

Here we have a blank page so we’re going to learn how to draw a curved line?

There are many tools. There is a pen tool or curvature tool. we’re going to use the Curvature tool for this topic.

So, for Using and drawing a curved line we can use either a curvature tool or a pen tool. There is no restriction for us, but we recommend you use the curvature tool because of its simplicity and the more options. For example, filling colors automatically like the animation that Illustrator gives us.

So. We are choosing the Curvature Tool. We are selecting a point somewhere we want and. endpoint again to somewhere we want to finish our line. so, we have our line ready.

But it’s not curved. How to get a curved line? so I can select this Direct Selection tool. it’s already showing us with really normal animation while you’re hovering on it with your mouse.

After double-clicking on your line with the Direct Selection Tool active, some anchors or handles will appear for us.

We can make our line curve like these anchors or handles. We can move this everywhere until I get my favorite shape and goal.

This is something I needed but it’s really wasting of time. So, I’m going to neither choose the Curvature tool and start to drawing again. We have our straight line here. But if I move my pen, you can see it’s already making me a curved line.

For making straight lines but using the Curvature tool, we have to press the Alt key on our keyboard and don’t release it until you didn’t finish your line.

And here we have two shapes with straight lines and curved lines! But both with the curved tool!



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