How To DOUBLE Your Practice Team....
Gerda Muller
Allied Health Private Practice Business Consultant. I help you build a Self-Running Practice, giving your more time and financial freedom, as you help more people in better and more effective ways.
IN LESS THAN 3 months time.
Yes, it can be done.
So, recently... I received this message from one of my mentoring clients...
When she started working with me, she was renting space in serviced offices and had only herself and one very part-time clinician available to support clients….
….and she had been stuck at that level of growth for more than 12 months.
Since then, she has implemented The Brightness of Future Method, started Writing Killer Job Ads, and utilised The 5 Phase Interview Process, which resulted in her hiring 4 additional clinicians in less than 3 months…
Whilst simultaneously upping her marketing to fill their books, quick smarts, in an area saturated with other practices.
She has now signed a lease for a 5 room practice having built the foundations for a long-term sustainable and highly profitable private practice.
If you’d like some help with getting unstuck, so you can start to expand your private practice and help the clients you are here to help, then be sure to reach out.
You can access all the learnings, tools, resources, strategies, coaching and mentoring that she was able to access within the Private Practice Success Academy. To express your interest in becoming part of this amazing ‘business school for allied health’ and the supportive community of like-minded members within it, then complete your EOI here
I can’t wait to help you build a practice you can’t stop smiling about!
After starting her PhD on the topic of "Psychologists as Practice Owners: Current Challenges, Coping & Success Predictors", Gerda was appalled at the lack of support for Allied Health Professionals going into Private Practice and decided to do something about it. This was the start of Private Practice Success Australia.
E: [email protected] | W:
WINNER: National Allied Health Private Practice Excellence Award
WINNER: Queensland MENTAL HEALTH Achievement Award for Best Small Business
WINNER: Logan Business Distinction Award