How to double the amount of time you have in your day.
Here’s how your gonna double the amount of time you have in your day.
1. Stop making decisions.
I'm not saying to become a doormat, but you need to cut out the non-essential decisions in your life. For example, decide what you're going to wear tomorrow night right now and put it out (or go full steve jobs and wear the same thing everyday). Then in the morning, all you have to do is get dressed and go. No more standing in front of your closet for 30 minutes trying to figure out what to wear.
Another way to stop making decisions is to automate as much of your life as possible. For example, set up auto-pay for your bills and invest in a robo-advisor for your investments. This will free up your time so that you can focus on the things that are truly important to you.
2. Eat the frog
This is a principle that says if you eat a live frog first thing in the morning, the rest of your day will be much easier to get through. The frogs represent the things in our lives that we dread doing. They are the things that we procrastinate on because they are unpleasant or challenging. But if we can just get them out of the way first thing in the morning, the rest of our day will be a breeze and leave you will a godly amount of time. Get rid of distractions. This one is easier said than done, but it's so important.
3.Ditch your phone
I know, I know. This is a tough one. But hear me out. Our phones are the number one distraction in our lives. By getting rid of it, or at least keeping it out of sight and out of mind, you will be amazed at how much time you have in your day.
4.Learn to say no
This is a tough one for people-pleasers, but it's so important. You need to learn to say no to the things that don't align with your goals and values. Otherwise, you will end up wasting time on things that don't matter.
4.Outsource everything
This is the ultimate hack for doubling your time. If you can afford to outsource the things in your life that you don't enjoy or that take up too much of your time, do it! This will free up your time so that you can focus on the things that are truly important to you.
5.Meeting hack
This one is simple but so effective. Only have meetings 1 day of the week and make them no longer than 30 minutes. This will help you to be more focused and productive with your time.
6.Wake up early
I know this one is not for everyone, but it works like a charm. If you can wake up even just 30 minutes earlier, you will be amazed at how much more time you have in your day.
7.Get rid of your to-do list
This may seem counterintuitive, but hear me out. To-do lists are actually a huge time waster. They are often full of things that we don't actually need to do or that can be easily delegated. Instead, focus on your top 3 priorities for the day and forget about the rest. This will help you to be more focused and productive with your time.
8.Take breaks
This is so important! Our brains can only focus for so long before we need a break. So make sure to take a few minutes every hour or so to just step away from your work and take a break. This will help you to be more focused and productive when you are working.
Implementing even just a few of these hacks will dramatically increase the amount of time you have in your day. So what are you waiting for? Get started today!
If you have any other hacks that you use to double your time, please share them in the comments below!