How Dopamine and Serotonin Affect Burnout and How to Overcome It

How Dopamine and Serotonin Affect Burnout and How to Overcome It

In my coaching, I teach a lot of different mindsets and strategies to help my clients minimize stress and burnout so they can thrive. One of the themes that keeps coming up is that sh*t happens...and we feel frustrated, disappointed, even irritated.

What's really underlying these negative emotions is our distaste for the?lack of control we feel.

Here's the truth:

1. Having these emotions doesn't give us any more control over our circumstances

2. It's our thinking about the things we can't change that creates the negative spiral, not the circumstances themselves.

This may seem like a simple concept (and it is), but it's harder to implement than you might expect. That's why I spend so much time coaching my clients on their thinking.

If you can, at least, hold onto the concept that there is a difference between your circumstances and your thinking, you're one step closer to being in control of your mind.

And that's a whole lot!


Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged stress and is becoming an increasingly prevalent issue in today’s fast-paced world.?

There are two brain chemicals that are key players in burnout: Dopamine and Serotonin.

In this week's article, we explore the dopamine-related story of Jack and the serotonin-related story of Sarah, both of whom burned out, as well as what they did to recover.?

Check it out.


On this week's episode of the Decode Your Burnout podcast, I interview?fitness trainer, Andrew Heffernan. He talks to us about the effects that fitness and your body can have on burnout and shares some great tips and tricks on how to exercise (not too much) to avoid burnout by incorporating the following points:

- Exercise intensity is the key to improvement.

- More frequent exercise leads to more progress.

- More exercise leads to more fat loss.

Tune in here.


Since we are on the topic of dopamine, I recommend this TEDx talk by?Dan Lieberman?(whose interview for the Decode Your Burnout podcast will be released next week).

He answers these questions:?

"Why are we obsessed with the things we want – and bored when we get them?"


"Why do highly driven people so rarely enjoy the success they’ve earned?"

The answers lie in your dopamine.

Find out why.


Have a restful weekend!

Dr. Sharon Grossman -?The Burnout Doc

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Sharon Jamison

Nurse Practitioner at Park Duvalle Community Health

1 年

I am interested in your site hope to connect sxed up for your check list! S j

Cesar Aragon

Assistant at DiBona & Associates

1 年

Love this


