How Does Your [GovCon] Garden Grow?

How Does Your [GovCon] Garden Grow?

I recently made a comment using the analogy of how sausage is made in response to the signing of the 2017 NDAA and the language regarding MDAP subcontracting obligations being counted as set-aside dollars. The small business community missed this one and it will have far-reaching consequences for American small businesses, the communities they support and our Nation as a whole.

This post looks at how FY2016 obligated dollars got to small business concerns based on solicitation type and the award instrument used to help small businesses minimize lost dollars and lost time in government contracting when it comes to identifying prospective customers and opportunities.

– Guy Timberlake, Chief Visionary

Have you ever taken a good look at how contracting dollars flow? I mean a substantive snapshot of how the dollars that could be addressed by your company’s offering are competed, solicited and ultimately obligated via a contract or an order placed against a contract vehicle? This is something The American Small Business Coalition leverages and teaches on a daily basis in programs like our Competitive Intelligence Launch Pad?, Competitive Intelligence Bootcamp? and others facilitated under our B2G Essentials? offerings. For the majority of participants, it’s a revealing and strategy-altering experience based on showing them how to understand the context of information they likely see every day.

My hope is this article provides new knowledge to help provide a more clear view of the opportunity landscape in government contracting.

Click here to see the complete article on


Guy Timberlake, The Chief Visionary (bio) | @theasbcguy | @govconguy

“The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it.”


