How Does Your Business Stack Up?
Arthur Cronos
People judge you on how much you appear professional, accurate, and clear. We can help with proofreading and editing documents, webpages, and ads. Call us!
With just your business name, find out in 10 seconds where you and your competition stand in the eyes of Google. Instant results and no email or opt-in required.
How it Used to Work
When I was a young man running an answering service in downtown San Francisco, we had clients like attorneys, architects, cosmetic surgeons and dentists. The most effective advertising at that time was the Yellow Pages.
Because when a new client was ready to call, they were ready to buy. And fetching that number from the phone book was the enabling information so they could dial out with their dollars in hand.
Times Have Changed
And yet ... the telephone system is still here, bigger and faster, because now it's used to carry the pages, pictures, and videos of the internet.
And buyers still look for what they want, and then act on what they find, with dollars ready to spend.
The internet is a telephone system, and Google is the phone book.
Free Doesn't Pay
Used to be, you could get into the white pages, without cost. But only people who already knew you could find you that way. It's still the same. Google will find your website easily ... if they already know your name.
But if you wanted to find NEW clients, you paid money to buy the biggest ad you could afford, and then the Yellow Pages still showed all your competition crowding onto the same pages you paid for.
And still the same today. Buy Google adwords, or pay an expert to rank your website in the scrimmage for page one. And all your competitors? Right there, clamoring to take the business away from you.
What's a Business-Owner to Do?
First, you want to be prominent in Google. In fact, you MUST be there, because that's where the new clients are. Just that simple.
Second, plan to find expert help. Smart business-owners don't paint their own signage over the door, and they don't waste energy trying to miser out the rapidly-changing Google-scape. They hire experts, to get expert results.
I will mention that, at present, our company has identified seven different ways to place you on the first page of Google ... but this article is not about solutions. Rather, here you'll find quick help for the most important first step.
Get the Facts
Because first, you want to clearly see what Google already thinks about YOUR COMPANY, and about your competitors.
And that's the good news. Because we've found a great tool to do that for you ... in less than 10 seconds! It looks like this ...
See How Your Business Stacks Up
- Click on this link:
- Enter your business name
- In less than 10 seconds you'll see exactly how your company (and your competitors) appear to Google. You'll find out: Is your business competitive enough online? Detailed report is provided immediately.
Click the Link Now:
How many men and women awoke one day with a bright dream, a dream of their own business, something they could pour their heart and soul into, and bring something good to the world. But slowly, the dream twisted into something ominous, deepening into worry and pain, grinding down the days. You're expert at your business, so why these endless days of alarm and sleepless nights?
Good news. Help has arrived, and you can escape the struggle. Because fellow business-owner Arthur Cronos, the author of "Get Endless New Clients" is as expert at his business as you are at yours. And his business is marketing. That's important, because most business owners are brilliant at their core technology. but nearly all have weak marketing.
The learning curve of marketing is as steep as everything you mastered to learn your business. The answer? Follow Arthur's method to build your own Automatic Selling System. Simply use this inside information to create and install an Automatic Selling System, a "Sales Engine," custom-designed for your specific business, to ensure reliable cash flow, month after month.
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