How Does Your Belief Affect You? (3-2)

How Does Your Belief Affect You? (3-2)

What is Your Belief?

All accomplishments begin as an idea, thought, or plan. Then, it is acted upon. When the action taken is sustained, it is called persistence.

When persistence keeps going, even during difficulties, then persistence has become faith.

Acting upon an idea, thought, or plan, is faith, when it persists. As a person continues to persist in their faith, as they apply actions on a regular basis, success becomes the manifestation.

Believing is a Demonstration of Faith (Belief)

When acting is deliberate, it is a demonstration of believing. The quality of believing can be measured by measuring the action against the persistence. Some believing starts out strong and joyful, but soon withers, for lack of the root of persistence. Some believing grows but gets choked out by too many distractions. The good kind of believing persists in a focused way.

Just about anything you can think of would make a representative analogy in support of this thinking.

Getting from point A to point B requires finishing the journey, come what may.

People must see your offer to buy it. The more people that see your offer, the greater success you will encounter.

All people both Doubt and Believe All the Time

People go to work and persist through the workday. Then, they receive their pay. Even if they may not enjoy the process, they believe in what they are doing, recognize the coming reward, and persist in earning it. In that respect, being one’s, own boss is peculiar, because not everyone wants to boss themselves into getting a self-employed job done. The key to being one's own boss is in the "boss" part.

Knowledge is power when it is activated into a personal, sustained effort.

Faith is shown by doing.

Believing is shown by active human will. Information is useless, until it is translated into personal change. The value of knowledge determined by the actions of the individual and whether they choose to use their knowledge or not.

? If you knew you could win, would you make the effort?

? If you knew you could never ultimately fail, would you make the sustained persistence necessary?

? If you knew you could have your dream fulfilled, would you pay the price of focused behavior, in order to accomplish it?

? Is wealth something that someone gives you or something you earn, through achievement?

? Is there such a reality as something for nothing, or are our handfuls of seeds waiting for our work?

? What does it take?

? Have you been wondering the same thing?

? What does it take to be successful in the world of business or maybe just in the game of life?

Are you where you thought you would be 5 years ago?

? Do you have the income that you desire?

? Are you helping those around you to become successful in their life?

? Are you spending the time you desire with your loved ones?

? Is the home that you live in the one that you have always dreamed of (not just the structure but the people that live with you)?

? Do your kids go to the school of your choice?

? Are you serving and impacting sustainable outcomes in your non-profit endeavors?

? Have you grown in knowledge, ability, and understanding?

? Is helping others, earning great income while doing it, and having someone say thank you to you of great satisfaction?

? Are you …?

Write these questions and anything else that motivates you, down. These are your guidelines to your “success thermometer”.

Is your current life the way you want it to be?

Will your life be where you want it to be in five years?

How Can We Serve You Today?

?Above the Standard

“We Increase Profits for Organizations”

Erwin Jack | [email protected] |

About Above the Standard

Above the Standard has global experience empowering and changing the lives for many executives, leaders, and organizations in more than 100 nations, having increased profits in the tens of billions of dollars, with sustainable outcomes.

Above the Standard is a dedicated and highly motivated leader and executive with more than 30 years global Business, Training, Strategic, Procurement, Finance, and Leadership experience in many different industries, from small to Fortune MNC’s.


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