How does Vision Leak? -#TLD20
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Last week, we discussed the skill of execution. Execution is the bridge that translates imagination into reality. However, even with the strongest visions come the challenges that accompany them. Some are man-made, while others are natural. These demands are the points of leakage of a vision.
To live life well, we always need to define our goals and purposes in life and then pursue them. Vision leakages take away the grip on these goals and purposes and expose us to failure. Consequently, we are not able to realize the well-designed goals. They dissipate and disappear from us and we lose the strength and focus to pursue and execute them.
How does vision leak?
A feeling of being too comfortable that makes us not see the need to venture out stronger and smarter. Vision requires energy to deliver. Complacency on the other hand sucks the energy and leaves one a shell with nothing within to drive the change needed to actualize the vision.
This takes away the unique gift put in each of us. It leads us to chase what others are chasing or already have. Comparisons remove the unique gifts embedded in us. We look at others as the best yardstick for growth. While the comparison is not 100% wrong, it is in identifying one's unique abilities and utilizing them that we deliver on our purposes for life.
??Poor image of self.
One can have a compelling vision but lose it on the altar of lack of self-belief. A distorted view of oneself is a great contributor to losing vision for progress and growth. Every year many lose focus because they experience instances that make them doubt their abilities. A belief that you have never done it, is never doing it, and will never do it makes us vulnerable and unable to explore and exploit what we have committed to. Every person needs to develop a strong belief in self and keep on inspiring self by looking at the victories experienced.
One of the biggest contributors to vision leakages is the penchant for postponing things for a later date or time. A habit that develops without one realizing it, procrastination eats one’s future time and diminishes the returns on actualizing a goal early enough. Delaying to take action when needed or planned leads to a crowded and unfocused life Long-term goals are easily sacrificed for immediate needs because they usually look urgent.
??Negative company.
The world has exposed us to many people that we interact with daily. These people always influence us negatively or positively. One’s company determines the pace of realizing a dream. The worst in a company are the mockers and the discouragers who keep on indicating the impossibilities. A strong coalition of teammates (friends) is sufficiently critical to realize one’s dreams. However, when this team consists of weaklings or failures then one will most likely fail too.
??Inadequate actionable steps.
Goals and objectives are only realized when plans are executed logically. Many people only write the bigger picture but fail to write a detailed step-by-step plan on how to realize the plans,
There are many other vision leaks and one needs to constantly watch lest the vision fails to be realized.
By Fred Wambia.