How Does Sleep Affect Weight Loss?

How Does Sleep Affect Weight Loss?

Yes, lack of sleep can cause weight gain and prevent weight loss. Scientists have argued for years on which factor has the most impact on weight loss, diet or exercise. But it is high time that we acknowledge a third and important factor–sleep.

Unlike diet and exercise, sleep does not directly target your fat cells with a fire extinguisher, ready to burn them off. However, it influences quite several key players that contribute to weight loss or weight gain.

We will discuss all of those key players and answer all your burning questions in this article.

The Science of Sleep and Metabolism: How does sleep affect your metabolism?

Your body’s metabolism is a means that powers a combination of various biochemical processes that keep you alive. Your body is at work when you carry out simple activities such as sitting or sleeping and complex activities like lifting weights and sprinting. These activities happen at different levels and require different amounts of energy (calories) to sustain the duration of these processes.

While you sleep, your body burns calories at a Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR), which is about 15% less than it normally would. Study has shown that sleep deprivation leads to a further decrease in RMR in a bid to conserve energy. When this happens, your body burns less calories than it should. If you consume more calories within this timeframe [as you most likely would], you will increase your calorie intake and the risk for weight gain and obesity.

Sleep Deprivation and Cravings: How does sleep affect your appetite?

A quick-quick midnight snack never hurt anyone, right? But it’s a problem, and your lack of sleep is the fuel that powers that engine.

The urge to eat and the feeling of fullness are influenced by two important hormones that control your appetite: Ghrelin and Leptin.

Ghrelin is the ‘hunger’ hormone, and Leptin, its arch enemy, tells your brain when you are full so you can stop eating.

So, how does sleep affect your appetite? Research has shown that short sleep (less than 5 hours) affects your appetite negatively. Participants in the evaluation who were sleep-deprived were examined and results showed reduced leptin and increased ghrelin levels.

This means that they had an increased appetite and fueled cravings, with a less likely chance of feeling full. A perfect recipe for unhealthy eating and weight gain.

Sleep and Physical Activity: How does sleep influence exercise and physical well-being?

A healthy attitude towards exercise and overall physical well-being requires a healthy sleeping habit. During the day, your muscles engage in physical activities that put a strain on them, more so when you exercise.

Your body enters an inactive phase when you shut your eyes to sleep at night, this is when you get into a deep sleep state. It allows for muscle repair and gives your immune system a boost.

Consistent lack of good sleep puts your body at risk of constant fatigue during the day. When you are tired, there is only so much that you can do, and minimum physical activity means fewer calories burned and less weight lost.

Sleep Duration and Weight Loss: How much sleep is needed to lose weight?

Sleep does not directly affect weight loss, but it can influence factors that contribute to weight loss or weight gain. A good amount of sleep is imperative to keep these factors at optimum levels and ensure that they do not hinder or disrupt your weight loss journey.

A study has shown that sleeping for less than 5 hours daily, compared with sleeping for 7-8 hours, can have a negative effect on your Body Mass Index (BMI) and increase the likelihood of developing obesity.

Factors such as hormones, metabolism, stress, and physical strain contribute to these results when you are deprived of sleep.

Sleep Quality vs. Sleep Quantity: Can you lose weight by sleeping all day?

We have established a timeframe that does not satisfy your body’s rest needs–5 hours or less, and a recommended timeframe for sleep–7-8 hours. So, how much sleep is healthy? How much sleep is too much sleep?

While it is important to be well rested, sleeping more than 9-10 hours per night is not a wise choice. Oversleeping entails sleeping multiple times per day, up to 18 hours each day, or more than 10 hours per night.

This defeats the purpose of having a good sleep habit because it leaves you unmotivated and tired. Study has shown that oversleeping can lead to health issues such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and death.

The Impact of Stress, Cortisol, and Sleep on Weight

Cortisol is a hormone produced by your body, it is the ‘stress’ hormone. This means that it is released in excess when your body finds itself in an unfavorable situation. Sleep deprivation does not sound too favorable, does it?

How does stress stop you from losing weight? Elevated levels of cortisol in your body sends out survival alarms. Your body responds by depleting all other energy sources except fat, shutting the door of your fat stores and tossing the key.

Result: increased appetite due to lack of energy and increased fat loss, particularly around your abdominal region.?

Sleep calms the body and gives it time for rejuvenation, leaving you with a clearer mind and stronger body by the morning, free of stress.

Practical Tips to Improve Sleep for Enhanced Weight Loss

  • Aim for at least 7 hours of sleep
  • Shut down electronics and bright lights an hour before bedtime
  • Keep your bedroom dark, quiet, and comfy
  • Avoid eating heavy meals before bedtime
  • Create a sleep schedule, your body will eventually adhere to it when you practice it consistently
  • Seek professional help if you detect abnormalities in your sleep routine


Sleep may not be that healthy bowl of salad or that 100-rep sit-up routine. But as mundane as it is, it can make or mar your weight loss journey, as would any diet or exercise.

Sleep can influence your weight through factors that may seem irrelevant as it concerns weight. Your metabolism, stress levels, hormones, and eating habits can affect [and be affected by]? your sleep routine negatively or positively.

Breaking the negative cycle and maintaining a healthy sleep routine is crucial for your weight loss goals.


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