How Does SEO Work?
Video Transcription
Hey, guys. I’m Jeremy Ashburn with PushLeads, and today we’re just asking ourselves common SEO questions. I’m going to give you my answer, from having worked with an SEO agency, having had my own SEO agency the last five years.
So, how does SEO work? Essentially, SEO works by, we talked about this in another video, but essentially SEO is making little tiny changes, little inside tweaks and outside tweaks on your website so that over time it shows it at the top of Google.
The SEO Process
Jeremy Ashburn explains how SEO Works
Step #1 – Keyword Research
Essentially the SEO process is a five-step process. The first step is what we’re doing is we’re finding search phrases. We call these “keywords.” Sorry for the technical term there. But we call these keywords. We find the best keywords or search phrases for your business. That’s step one.
Step #2 – Optimizing the Site
Step two, we optimize your site. Essentially, we put those keywords on your site in different areas, in different headlines, within content and on images, even on image filenames. We put those across your site so that your site is more Search Engine friendly. Your site looks more beautiful to Google. And that’s step two.
Step #3 – Publishing Content
Step three is content marketing. Essentially what we’re doing is we’re doing blog posts for you and we’re publishing inner pages in a certain order so that your website looks more streamlined to Google and more Search Engine friendly. One aspect of that is, of course, doing blog posts.
I have actually discovered that Google doesn’t take your website very seriously if you don’t ever do blog posts. As a business owner, or if you work for a business. But I have found that Google treats your website like a business if you do four blog posts a month or more. It’s just the bottom line. I think Google’s kind of figured out that blog posts take time to do, or you have to hire a writer to do it. And so they put a lot of emphasis on you coming up with really good content on your site, as blog posts. That’s step three, is content marketing, blog posts.
How Does SEO Work?Step #4 – Linkbuilding
Step four is link-building. Essentially what this process is is other websites are linking to you over time and as that happens, your overall reputation goes up. Essentially whenever Google sees your website, they see a number on a scale of 1 to 100. Over time, as other websites link to you, that number goes up. You might have a 20 when we start out, and then you’re a 22, you’re a 25, you’re a 30.
And the real thing about that number is when your number gets high enough, where it begins to supersede a competitor’s number. So, let’s say that your competitor, let’s just say you’re a carpet cleaner in Missouri, in one of the small little towns in Missouri, and you have a 25. Your website has an overall authority of 25. Well, if your competitors have a 30, and you reach a 30, then you’ll start to show up in searches and take away their Search Engine market share, take away their positions, and your website will start to show up for their search phrases.
So that’s step four, is link-building. And link-building can be done manually, you can hire someone to do it, and also part of link-building is what’s called citations, and that’s where we do maps links-building, where your website shows up in different map directories. And that helps you show up in Google Maps. So that’s link-building.
Step #5 – Analyze with Reports
And then in step five is reports. Essentially what we’re doing is we’re analyzing everything and make a determination. Okay, is this working? How well is this working? What do we need to be doing differently? What kind of different search phrases should we go after? You know, is your traffic going up? In this process, we typically talk with clients and find out are you getting more phone calls? A lot of times we are tracking the calls ourselves, but you might be tracking them as a business owner.
Use SEO to Grow Your Business
So, anyway, that’s the whole process. The first step is finding out those search phrases for your business, keyword research. The second step is optimizing your site, putting the keywords in the right place. The third step is content marketing, doing blog posts for your business. The fourth step is link-building, other websites that link to you. And the fifth step is, of course, reports, where we analyze everything and send you monthly reports and make sure that everything’s working correctly.
So if you want to find out more information, you can call me directly. Jeremy Ashburn with PushLeads. My number is 828-348-7686. Or you can go to and do an SEO audit there, right on the homepage, and we’ll find out how strong your website is for a particular search phrase. Hey, I really appreciate you watching this video. I’m Jeremy Ashburn with PushLeads. Be visible and grow.