How does a Roman Emperor, a fiddle, and a sunset affect you?
In July of 64 A.D., a great fire ravaged Rome for six days, destroying 70 percent of the city and leaving half its population homeless. According to historians, Rome’s emperor at the time, Nero, simply stood by and “fiddled” while Rome burned.
So, you are probably asking yourself, why do I care, and how does it affect me? Well, in a short time (at the end of 2025) the generous Federal estate tax exemptions are Sunsetting. And if you stand by and do nothing, you could cost your loved one’s millions. This means that the estate tax exemption amount (the amount you can pass to your heirs without being subject to Estate Taxes) will be cut in half for each taxpayer. It is estimated that this reduction will be $6.2 million per person ($12.4 for married couples). This change will not only affect estates over the current exemption amount (about $12 million) but also those in the $6-$12 million range, as these estates will suddenly find themselves subject to taxation.
We know this “fire” is coming. You can fiddle, or you can plan. We can assist you with the critical planning that ensures the assets you worked so hard to acquire are adequately protected and transferred. Insurance, along with sound estate planning can help mitigate the risks outlined above. Please give me a call to discuss how we can partner together to safeguard your assets today, and for future generations.