How Does Rahu Effect Our Lives?

How Does Rahu Effect Our Lives?

Have you ever wondered how suddenly someone wins huge money in a lottery? Someone becomes bankrupt in one night? Someone meets with an accident? Someone is diagnosed with a deadly disease. All these sudden events are the implications of Rahu in their horoscope. It’s the livewire of Energy which keeps you going in tough as well as good times.

Rahu if placed positively can help a person gain worldly desires. He can be a lecturer, into Civil service, Doctor, Engineer, Magician or enter a technical field related to Electronics and communication.

See Also: Today Rahu Kaal Timing.

Rahu if placed negatively in horoscope may lead to loss in wealth, Business losses, Cheatings, Accidents, deceitful love affairs, broken relationships, sudden changes etc. 

Let’s check the placement of Rahu in different houses and its impact:

Rahu in 3,6,10,11 houses.

If Rahu is placed in any of the above houses it does not affect them so negatively. Rahu in the 3rd house gives native courage and achievements. Rahu in 6th house gives good health, Rahu in 10th house gives excellent career and in 11th house gives immense wealth.

Rahu in 1,2,5,7,12 houses.

Rahu in 1st house makes natives brave and strong willed, Rahu in 2nd house makes native a liar, sinful. Rahu in the 4th house makes a native intelligent and wealthy. Rahu in the 5th house makes a person creative. Rahu in 7th house is inauspicious. It’s the cause of separation, broken marriages etc. Rahu in 12th house is not good for expenses, health etc. It’s not considered to be a good house for Rahu.

Rahu is not a physical planet but it has a very huge impact on the horoscope and life of an individual. It’s the main cause of native’s desires and ambitions that arise due to different types of deeds or Karmas.

Rahu doesn’t work alone , it works with its partner Ketu. Both of them give mixed results to the native according to their position in houses. Rahu gives good results in the sign of Taurus & Gemini. Even with Libra & Virgo, Capricorn it’s quite modest. In Navamsa chart if it’s in Air & earth signs then it produces nice results. The strength of the planet in conjunction is also checked with Rahu. If the Planets in conjunction are strong then the Rahu will act in favor of the native. 

Rahu basically represents our Karma. It’s like a small toddler who learns as he grows up. Similarly Rahu grows up with our deeds. One can definitely improve upon Rahu with Karma.

In general it’s considered that Rahu is not good. If there is Mahadasha of Rahu one should be very cautious in life. Even if it’s present in 3,6,10, 11 houses it tends to create confusions and dilemmas. Stress, anxiety, helplessness are some of the common traits experienced by the natives during the Mahadasha.

In other houses Rahu gives very horrible results. People face a lot of problems due to Rahu. He may go bankrupt, lose his relationships, has medical ailments, meets with an accident, broken marriage etc. A Rahu Dasha native gets success but after a lot of hard work and failures. He may have to face legal battles and will have to fight court cases. He becomes in-confident, and faces emotional trauma. Suicidal tendencies also arise due to Rahu. Patience goes away and the person starts feeling anxious and wild. People will have a tendency to deceive you in this Dasha. Do not trust people easily during Rahu Dasha.

Only way out to fight Rahu is to worship Goddess Durga. Her devotees will have a very negligible impact on Rahu. If worshipped with a clean and pious heart Maa Durga saves the native from ill effects of Rahu. Native people get peace of mind and get separated from sinful deeds.

Events take place suddenly due to the impact of Rahu. Do not panic, just relax and let the time pass. Time is the best healer and will gradually take away the pain given by malefic Rahu. Adventures and risk taking capability is increased and native tend to be courageous and enthusiastic in Rahu dasha. Whatever work you do Rahu will act as a powerhouse to your energies. Depression will become your biggest enemy. Fight with it having positivity in mind. Stay calm and do not lose your temper.

Chanting “Om Bhram Bhreem Bhroum Sah Rahave Namah” will give you a lot of relief from the wicked Rahu.


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