How Does Penetration Testing Aid in the Business Security?
KiwiQA Services
KiwiQA: Empowering Digital Excellence through Premier Salesforce & Dynamics 365 Testing Services
The dreadful reality is that security breaches have augmented by about?67%?over the past 5 years, and in 2020 probability is that more enterprises may eventually get hacked. By 2021, the expense of global cybercrime is likely to hit?USD 6 trillion. Companies can no longer afford data leaks in today’s world. As security testers leverage the growth in technology and communication to orchestrate vicious and dangerous attacks, hacks, and breaches. Companies need to be at least one step ahead of cyber-attackers. Managing a safe system
The good news is that penetration tests can be a major step to protecting your business from the risk of cyber theft. Regardless of the organization’s size, taking proactive actions
Microsoft &?Frost & Sullivan Study?expose that:
???Cyber thefts have led to job losses and almost 7 in 10 (67%) companies hit by cyber attackers over the last year.
???The big-giant company in the Asia Pacific can incur an economic failure of USD 30 million, more than 300 times the standard economic loss for a mid-level company.
???Companies are progressively leveraging AI (Artificial Intelligence) to improve their cybersecurity strategy
Penetration Testing Market Snapshot
MarketsandMarkets?predicts that the global Penetration Testing market size is likely to progress from an estimated worth of 2.7 billion USD by 2027 to US$ 1.4 billion in 2022, at a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 13.7 per cent from 2022 to 2027.
What is Penetration Testing?
Pen-testing or Penetration testing?is a simulated real-world cyber-theft involving the breaching of backend and frontend servers, application protocol interfaces, etc. by certified security experts to unearth exploitable loopholes and vulnerabilities. It also detects vulnerabilities and un-sanitized inputs that are vulnerable to malicious code injections, unauthorized attacks, entries, etc.
Also Read: Key Stages of Penetration Testing
How much can a Data Breach cost you?
A data breach can be the biggest issue for an organization and the consequences might be massive and affect the entire organization. There are reputational, financial, and legal consequences involved. Besides, the direct economic penalties will also come from the implications and the expenses of the data breach.
There are loads of costs connected with a data breach. These are the costs related to the breach’s investigation, remediation, and notification, and such costs are incurred by the company directly. As the IBM?study?found, such expenses continue to increase;?Data breach expenses rose from US$ 3.86 million to US$ 4.24 million, the maximum average total cost in the 17-year record of this report. Regular pen tests lessen the chances of data breaches by keeping the apps secure.
Reasons Why Company needs to Perform a Pen-Testing?
Pen testing is used to assess the effectiveness of current security controls in a real-time scenario against a capable cyber hacker who may use quite a few attack methods to exploit a flaw. This is beneficial since it enables you to fix vulnerabilities before an attacker noticed them.
???Discloses Hidden Vulnerabilities
Penetration testing assesses your system’s capacity to withstand cyber thefts. It simulates the actions of a prospective intruder by trying to exploit flaws in the code, unsecured settings, software problems, operational flaws, and service configuration faults. The major difference between penetration testing and real hacking experience is that pen testing is conducted in a secure & controlled environment.
???Develop Proficient Security Measures
The summarized outcomes of pen testing are crucial to assess the current security level of your IT systems. They can offer your company’s top management intuitive information about recognized security gaps, their reality, and their potential impact on the functioning and performance of the system. The qualified pen tester will also present you with a listing of recommendations for their timely remediation and assist you to develop a trustworthy information security system and prioritize your upcoming cyber-security investments.
But, before ordering a pen test, ensure the company uses the world’s best methodologies, such as?NIST?SP800-115, ISECOM OSSTMM3, OWASP,?and?PTES, and that its experts are competent and certified. Although pen testing may involve the usage of automated tools, the concentration is still on the professional knowledge, manual skills, and experience of pen testers.
???Prepare for the Unforeseen and Unknown?
Even regardless of high investment and best efforts, big players like Adobe, Microsoft, etc. faced zero-day threats in the year 2018, and Exactis, Facebook, Marriott International, etc. faced major hacks as well as breaches in 2018. This denotes that slip-ups in security & zero-days are a big prospect even for major players. Therefore, it is essential that all companies, small, medium, or big, engage in penetration tests to unearth unforeseen and unknown risks and threats for them to be able to prepare better.
It is significant to note that small enterprises are high up the target list of cyber attackers with over 40-50 per cent of small businesses facing some type of cyber-attack in the USA. If they aren’t well-prepared, then they may even be forced to shut down wholly.
???Reduces Network Costs and Downtime?
The average price of a data violation amongst the firms examined was USD 4.24 million per incident in the year 2021, the higher level in seventeen years, as per a current?report?released in 2021.
To save remediation expenses and decrease network downtime penetration testing is performed. A pen test determines the main areas of weakness in your infrastructure. Thus, there is a specific requirement to perform frequent pen testing at least once or twice a year.?
???Enhance Company’s Image and Customer Loyalty
Security thefts might compromise your crucial sensitive information, which results in loss of esteemed clientele and serious reputational damages. Pen tests can aid you to avoid expensive security breaches that put your customers’ loyalty and company’s reputation at stake. Furthermore, a penetration test may grow in time and intricacy if the system requires added scope. It might be also conducted in amalgamation with vulnerability scanning to provide even more significant insights on vulnerabilities and possible breach points in your IT infrastructure.
Overall, a pen test can make a realistic assessment of your organization’s “health” and its struggle against cyber attacks. Pen testing can showcase how unsuccessful or successful a malevolent attack on your organization’s IT infrastructure can be. Furthermore, it can assist you to comply with industry regulations, prioritizing your security investments, and developing competent defensive mechanisms so that your company will be protected from intruders in the extended run.
???Strengthen your Cyber Security Plans and Strategy?
By recreating or simulating a real-time situation, a pen test reveals the weaknesses, strengths, and performance/ status of your security infrastructure and measures. When done by authorized external experts, you will gain an invaluable outsider viewpoint on web app security. Upon getting these insights, companies can strengthen their risk mitigation plans
???Assists Companies In Adhering To Business Security Standards
A pen testing can assist your organization to uncover the gaps
???Prioritize Threats Concerning Level
Your security threats or vulnerabilities are classified by the Penetration testing team. Following the test, you may find out which vulnerabilities must be addressed first and which will consume the most resources and time for the enterprise. Once you have recognized the vulnerabilities, your safety team may concentrate on avoiding the most perilous ones first.
Is Pen Test Necessary Even If Your Business Has an Automated High-End Security Infrastructure In Place?
Yes. It is essential. Web app security is not a one-time thing and must not be treated that way. It must be constant, and enterprises must be proactively and constantly engaged to secure their web app. Even with best-in-class and high-end security infrastructure and procedures, there is a requirement to make sure that there are no loopholes and vulnerabilities. Moreover, automation can just take businesses to a definite point in cybersecurity; nothing can reinstate human intelligence and expertise.
It is, thus, necessary that pen-test is performed by certified security specialists as they could best use the security test tools while leveraging automated & other technology to help businesses continuously detect, protect and test their web application security and performance.
Also Read: 6 Common Pen Testing Myths
What are the Distinct Perspectives in Pen Test?
The following are a number of the approaches to pen tests that can be utilized:
1- White-box Test
In this case, a penetration tester is provided whole access to source code and architecture documentation amongst other details. This allows them to carry out static code analysis as well as the actualization of a comprehensive estimation of both the internal and external vulnerabilities.
2- Black-box Test
In the black-box test, a pen tester is provided the privileges of an average customer who has no private info about the target system. For example, they aren’t given any architecture diagrams or source code. The objective is to find out system vulnerabilities from an exterior perspective. Typically customer-facing apps are well-tested with this approach first. Black-box network pen tests are also performed to identify the weaknesses that could be broken by the remote attacker. As such, it is often referred to as an outside network penetration test as well.
2- Gray-box Test
This form of approach includes giving the pen tester access and knowledge to distinct user privileges. Generally, the expert penetration tester is provided with an outline of a system, like its architecture design and documentation to facilitate a more effective and focused security evaluation. The main objective is to discover high-risk zones with lesser time spent on reverse engineering.
What do you need to Hunt For in a Penetration Testing Service Provider?
Let’s assume we want as real-time penetration testing as our budget allows. What are various things to look for from a penetration testing Service Company during the selection & agreement phases??Here are several suggestions gained from experience:
???Appoint the Right Talent-?In due course, you are hiring a group of people with skills, expertise, the right tools, and experience to perform the job right. A penetration test is an intrinsically high-risk endeavor. Try to ensure that the team you are outsourcing is experienced and enquire those detailed questions about rules of engagement, how they come up with a testing plan, as well as the final reporting content.?If you hire an un-experienced penetration tester, you will have just as several alarms go off; however, you may not have any positive testing outcomes to demonstrate their efforts. The last but not the least thing you want after pen testing is no actionable outcomes that come out of it. This is not the point to feel good about the security after penetration testing does not uncover flaws in your network!
???Pay Attention to Scope-?This is the trickiest part of any pen testing and the appropriate team will be the one that assists you both determine what must be scoped into the target environment and what must be scoped out.?Before the testing begins, there must be clearly defined IP address ranges, IP addresses, and external URLs and apps both external and internal that are defined.?Other scope considerations comprise the degree to which social engineering is good enough and if any off-limits folks must not be targeted. In the same way, physical access to the whole thing from buildings to dumpsters should be defined at the outset. By restricting scope, you effectively concentrate more effort on those areas of your company you want to be tested. And you also stop intolerable actions from being taken against resources that are supposed off-limits.?Time and again over-looked, the scope must also be prioritized as much as possible so that the testing team expense focused time on higher value assets, etc.?You wish to strike a balance between too narrow and too broad a scope, based in part on the effective budget. If it is defined too broadly, efforts will not be concentrated correctly in the fixed time. If it is too narrow, but, the QA experts may not be given sufficient lateral flexibility to investigate alternate paths toward real-time exploitation.
??Objectives and Goals-?By establishing the overall objectives of the testing going in, you will allow the testing team to produce a report that caters to those objectives and addresses them. If there is a specific hot button you wish to ensure is addressed, be certain to include it outright in the objectives.?Understand that not all of the objectives may be met during the testing & in a few cases this may be a better thing!?(e.g. testing the capacity to access the development environment from the production network & attempt to use source code or other property)
??Whitebox vs. Blackbox-?There are disadvantages and advantages to both.?A Whitebox testing (in which the cyber attacker is pre-loaded with data?or network access going into the engagement that would be hard to acquire on their own) has two benefits:?
1) Lesser time and funds are used on the reconnaissance, discovery, and enumeration portions of the testing, leaving extra money and time to be spent on breaking apps, people, network devices, etc.?
2) The threat posed by insiders is often undervalued by companies that entrust them to logical and physical access to IT resources.?By its very nature, a white box test enables the cyber attacker to be one move close to the internal environment and might assist uncover vulnerabilities in internal apps that a black-box test may not.?
The benefits of a black box testing (in which merely a small amount of a company’s information is offered, or just that which is readably uncovered through Internet searches and making calls into the company) comprise:
1) it gives the best ‘real-time’ perspective of the company from an outer attacker’s viewpoint.
2) it naturally concentrates the attacker to expense time uncovering data on the company that is public or able to be socially engineered out of partners or employees.?
By analyzing the outcomes of this procedure, the company will learn a fabulous amount about how a cyber attacker can gain a foothold in the company starting from scratch, and then be able to take proper steps to remediate or mitigate those threats or vulnerabilities.
??Recommendations-?Before choosing a test team, try to ensure to consider whether or not, and to what level, suggestions r recommendations will be made in the report.?Do not assume that a penetration testing report will comprise detailed recommendations about how to remediate or mitigate every finding.?Ask for a sanitized instance of a report and reassess the recommendations.?Are they written in a mode that is actionable by your employees after the engagement??Avoid reference examples that read like this: “We advise that your firewall is configured with business best practices using the notion of least privilege”. That is simply too high-level to be of rate and would not help your firewall admin know what requires to be altered on the firewall from how it is already configured.?
Also Read: Security Testing vs. Penetration Testing
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1.??Why is it More Vital to Continuously Conduct Pen Tests for a Robust Security System?
The similar secure system today is not the same as a few weeks before. This is particularly true for companies that manage as well as develop software. Configurations transform and so does the threat scenario. It is therefore significant for companies to frequently conduct pen tests on their significant assets.
2.??How often should you carry out Penetration testing?
You might be wondering how frequently you ought to execute a pen test. The answer is reliant on your organization’s risk level. A company with no susceptible information on its network might test once a month, whilst an e-commerce website that carries a major risk group of data theft may require to try on a daily or weekly basis. Besides, some even test their security constantly.
The crucial thing is to discover what functions better for your company. If you are hesitant about the risk level of your company, it is better to consult with expert security professionals.
3.??How is Pen Test Varied from Vulnerability Assessment?
There is plenty of misconceptions about pen tests & vulnerability scanning. Pen test and vulnerability scanning are both critical facets of network security; however, they serve distinct purposes. A pen test is used for testing a network’s defences against a real-time attack. Simultaneously, vulnerability scanning is a non-intrusive assessment that looks for potential threats or vulnerabilities in a network.
4.??What are Some Risks and Rewards to perform Pen Test?
Penetration tests may be a great way to kick-start cyber security initiatives for resource-strapped companies, but companies can’t rely solely on penetration tests as a catch-all. Vulnerabilities within internal-facing systems are also sometimes underestimated. For any penetration testing, there are set rules of engagement to make sure that the evaluations are controlled, reducing any disturbance to business services. Nevertheless, all things considered, there is still a danger that the penetration testing assessment may disrupt or depressingly influence the performance of these solutions. In the rare case of this happening, we recommend that your tech team stays reachable.
In short, vulnerabilities and threats are growing highly sophisticated and experienced at circumventing security controls with greater success, resulting in huge ransom demands. Thus, pen test is now becoming a significant facet of a company’s overall security strategy. It can also help you in meeting compliance obligations. Pen testing employs the precise approaches that a real criminal would use to pierce your defences, unlike other vulnerability recognition techniques.
Final Thoughts
Pen tests can help to mitigate the threats of the above threats that your company may face. But, the perfect security practices must be adopted to secure your organization. By taking a threat-based approach to cyber-security, you can easily tackle the prioritized threats and review your organization’s risk exposure constantly.
It is, thus, crucial that penetration tests should be performed by certified security experts as they could best utilize the security testing tools while leveraging high-end automated and other technology to assist companies in constantly discovering, protecting, and testing their web app security & performance.
Overall, only penetration tests can make a realistic evaluation of your company’s “health” & its resistance to cyber thefts. Penetration testing can showcase how unsuccessful or successful a malicious attack on the organization’s IT infrastructure can be. Furthermore, it can assist you to comply with industry regulations prioritizing your security investments, and developing competent defensive mechanisms so that your company will be safeguarded from intruders in the long?