How does one improve in their chosen sport or endeavour?
Bruni (shortened version of Brunhilde) Brewin
Body Mind Programmer - in therapy practice since 1989 Information and opinions shared are for informational purposes only and are not intended as medical advice or instruction.
How does one improve in their chosen sport or endeavour? You are keen. You practice for hours. You want to be a winner. But it just isn’t happening for you. What’s going on here?
Not to achieve can develop into a health issue. Depression, Anxiety, and Stress can affect our health.
Mostly I write about Sport, but it can equally as well be an endeavour of any kind that is alluding the client, and I have included a couple of non-sport endeavours at the end as examples.
For simplicity I call it the ‘Inner Game’. A term taken from W. Timothy Gallway and the many books he has written on sport. The below quote of his, I see as the essence of the Inner Game.
“If human beings did not have a tendency to interfere with their own ability to perform and learn, there would be no Inner Game. But the fact is that because of self-interference, few of us perform up to the level of our potential for more than brief moments at a time. Learning to get out of one’s way is the purpose of the Inner Game”. - W. Timothy Gallway
And that of course can relate to any of our endeavours.