How Does a MOSFET Work: Basic Understanding, Types, and Applications
The Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor (MOSFET) is a voltage-controlled device that has revolutionized modern electronics. As a fundamental building block in both analog and digital circuits, understanding MOSFETs is crucial for any electronics engineer or hobbyist.
Basic Structure and Operation
Physical Structure
Operating Principles
The MOSFET operates by controlling the channel between source and drain through an electric field created by the gate voltage. This creates three main operating regions:
Types of MOSFETs
Enhancement vs Depletion
N-Channel vs P-Channel
Operating Regions
Key Operating Points
Region Characteristics
Key Parameters
Electrical Parameters
Thermal Parameter
Power Applications
Signal Applications
Selection Guide
Application-Based Selection
Package Selection
Common Issues
Failure Modes
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: What's the difference between BJTs and MOSFETs?
Key differences include:
Q2: How do I protect a MOSFET from damage?
Protection methods include:
Q3: Why do MOSFETs get hot?
MOSFETs generate heat due to:
Q4: How do I calculate MOSFET power dissipation?
Power dissipation calculations include:
Q5: What parameters are most important for MOSFET selection?
Critical parameters include: