How does mind create its space inside?
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
In short, the mind creates space through its ability to focus on a single point and disregard everything else. When we're fully focused on something, we call it single-mindedly we create a space around that thing in our mind. We can see it more clearly and understand it better. This is why meditation is so effective at helping us to focus and clear our minds - it creates a space for us to focus on whatever we choose. In order for our minds to be able to visualize real objects and events, they must provide a context for those real things, and space is one of those contexts we conjure so we can visualize. The other mental construct, of course, is time, the rate and duration of processes.
To ask, how does the mind do this is pretty close to asking how does the mind think. Neurologists and others have been working on that question for a while, and finally they have the tools they deserve and need to conduct proper research. You have a mind, and you create space in your mind. How do you do it. By interactions with the other objects. say by light or touch or anything. A mind will, upon interaction, over short distance or long distance, will generate a distance function that it calls the space. The space in between.
We can assume that bodies in space are connected, by some primordial vague communication, which allows them to create space in between them. Like some thing/information that allows touching them one another in abstract dimensions. Once they have established that connection then they can correlate the change in relative lengths by further communications and data analysis. Now this is all local and relative and within, however there can be similarly hypothesised more space outside of know space, a kind of unknown space that is not connected or communicated, but in the process of communication.
A kind of continuous incoming data which looks like noise but nevertheless the mind has to make sense of. The currently popular way of addressing consciousness from a scientific perspective involves two big questions. These questions are directed toward solving what people call the "problem" of consciousness (the problem being: what is consciousness?) The easy problem of consciousness is essentially the question: what are the neural correlates of brain states? To speak more accessibly, what's happening neurologically, physiologically, when you're thinking? What parts of your brain are being activated when you look around, finding yourself in a place you recognize? What is your brain doing while you're riding a bicycle? These are questions aimed at figuring out the physical processes that underlie what we call the mind.
That if I told you that everything that you see, hear, taste, touch, smell, emote are all just your thoughts? It is. We do not see reality the way it is, but instead we see it the way it reflects in our mind. Its quite mind-boggling to hear but that's the way it is. So my answer to the question is mind isn't inside space but rather that your illusion of space and time exists in your mind! Everything that you can intellectually, emotionally, and physically conceive is just your mind itself constrained by some form of reality. Realism (that our mind is in the universe) and Solipsism (that universe is in the mind) both cannot be proved. The only thing we can do is to believe in one of them.
But most people believe in realism because it is more convenient, healthy and it works. Also it will not matter whether you believe in realism or Solipsism because the things will work as it is as earlier. Also we cannot know which is true, we can only believe. The practices of Buddhism would certainly be a method to achieve the purpose of your question. This involves ceasing the chatter of the mind, being in the moment, quietness and stillness being the aim of meditation. Just needs time and patience to develop inner peace and calm, does not need any extreme rituals.
Dreams are of time and space in and of thought. Thought creates reality as to how we perceive our existence. The greatest teachers in the history of the world spent a great deal of their life in thought or teaching all of the many ways of how to think. As you can see, in my estimation, thought is all and everything. When you think good thoughts, speak good words, and be of good actions, we become what we think and do. This is what your reality truly is, in, your everyday awake conscious thoughts or in a dream. This is the best way to inner peace for ourselves and for others.
We all have our own understanding of the physicality that we live. Everything is based on perception and our individual experience.This is our reality that we live according to our capacity. We are all different, very unique. The ability to perceive is, and, of thought that we all live and see life differently. There is a collective love of humanity which is unified good thought together. We should share, so we do the best we can and take care of the people around us.
All reality is of the mind. Our conscious awake self and our second reality is in dreams. Both are of the mind. Both essentially are mind space. However, dreams also embrace the spirit and the soul. That's why they're of a mystical and unusual nature because we all live in linear time when we're awake. This is based on rhythm and frequency, as in frequency of a radio. When we go to sleep we are no longer on that straight line and everything widens or expands. When we dream it appears that all the lines disappear and some things are highly emotional and upside down and inside out. Our dreams need time to be thought out. This gives us a chance to see a part of our inner and outer self. We can be objective and subjective together simultaneously. What this means is that time and space become very much distorted in a dream experience or realm. We believe it with all our heart when were in the middle of a dream.
That's why it is the second reality. This is the reality of pure thought a dream is pure thought that charges us emotionally and also shows us our good along with our not so good. So, essentially your question is truly based upon what we're willing to perceive to our capacity to understand this life experience. Dreams take place in a metaphysical and spiritual dimension. This too is of thought and from thought of the ultimate thought of the Almighty. Thought is the essence of creation. It is timeless and endless as well as infinite. Dreams are definitely of the Mind in the mind from thought and of thought. Cheers!