How does microlearning impact Manufacturing training?
Learning Everest Private Limited
Delivering Impactful Learning Solutions
Manufacturing training is an essential part of any manufacturing industry. According to a Deloitte (2015) study, 4.6 million manufacturing jobs will be needed in the coming decade, but out of that 2.4 million jobs are expected to go unfilled due to the skills gap present now. USD 454 billion might be the cost of a lack of qualified talent on the manufacturing GDP in 2028. Between now and 2028, a persistent shortage of skills will cause USD 2.5 trillion in reduced output.
This indicates how Manufacturing is an important part of any growing industry. With a looming dearth of skilled workforce on the horizon, manufacturing training is the need of the hour. Manufacturing training involves teaching your existing workforce new skills that will help propel the organization forward and will also enable the employees to move their careers forward. Manufacturing training helps increase productivity and profits at the same time with only a small initial cost. Microlearning courses can be used for manufacturing training programs amongst your existing workforce without much hassle. Read on to find out more.
Training in the Manufacturing Industry using microlearning
Microlearning might be the best tool in your arsenal for training and development in the manufacturing industry. Microlearning delivers knowledge packed as relatively small learning units or in the form of short-term learning activities with precise learning outcomes.
For learning more about microlearning check out our article here.