How does identifying an Omicron variant infection with an RT-PCR test benefit India?
Six reasons identification of Omicron variant at RT-PCR testing stage is beneficial for Indian people and medical infrastructure?
Not all mild infections are Omicron- All circulating variants are not Omicron; for example, Delta and other variants are still present across various parts of the country. Therefore, considering all initial mild infections to be Omicron may prove risky to people’s health. ?
Faster and specific clinical decisions- Other variants, including Delta, are still present in the community. Identifying the Omicron variant during RT-PCR testing will help clinicians decide which cases need monoclonal antibodies.?
Evidence-based peace of mind for patients and their families- Confirming the Omicron variant with a simple RT-PCR test will reduce stress for the patient and their families. In addition, confirmed Omicron cases can come out of isolation faster in 7 days.?
Better clinical response for hospitalised cases- Quickly identifying the Omicron variant in clinical samples using RT-PCR test for hospitalised patients helps with proper treatment decisions. In addition,? genome sequencing can be prioritised for infections tested negative for Omicron.??
It is not the last variant- The COVID virus has not stopped mutating. Assuming most infections to be Omicron, we may relax the constant tracking of variants. Thus, putting us at risk of a sudden critical situation caused by a new deadlier variant.?
Reduced stress on Genome Sequencing- Tracking virus mutation is critical, but Genomic sequencing is expensive, time-consuming and highly resource-intensive. However, by filtering Omicron variants at the RT-PCR testing stage, Genomic sequencing can be more efficiently utilised to identify newer emerging variants.?
Postdoctoral Research Scholar at University of California (Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology), Davis
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