How does Hospitality open safely after lock-down?
Dean Phillips
Print Management By Expert Print Professionals | Highly Personal Service |From One Project to Multi-Tiered Campaigns. about 100% COVID safe paper coating?
12 months ago, who could have imaged what the next year would hold. We had just had the General election and at last there seemed to be some clarity on how the UK would find its way in the world. No matter which way you voted, there was a collective view that Brexit was a done deal and businesses started to click back into gear. For 2 months the work environment seemed like a slightly better place than it had for a while. The economy was in decent shape and people started to look to the future with a bit more optimism.
Then, out of the blue, came a global pandemic and brought the biggest changes to our everyday lives that most us have ever seen (and hopefully ever will). Overnight our businesses closed and what seemed like a new beginning suddenly looked completely different. We have all had to make seismic changes in our businesses….how we work, where we work, how we protect our loved ones, ourselves and each other. Questions arose….How could we keep our businesses running? How could we stay in touch with our clients, assuring them that we were still ‘here’ for them as and when things return to some semblance of ‘normal’? What was the new ‘normal’ going to look like and how would we adjust? So many questions, and yet so few answers.
The last year has seen 3 lockdowns when business all but ground to a shuddering halt. In between there have been small rays of light, showing us that when the vaccines take effect and the virus diminishes, our clients will still be there yearning to get their lives back. They will be out in force, meeting with friends they had lost contact with & family they hadn’t seen in months. Eventually some will return to work in offices and our cities and towns will return to the vibrant hubs they once were.
So, what do we need to do to show that we are operating as safe and responsible businesses? We need to be able say that that we have taken stock of the situation and made our environments safe places to be in. Places to relax and to be enjoyed, just as they were before the pandemic. Places where fun could be had and could help the good times return…which leads me to where we can help.
We have some amazing news to share. We are proud to say we are able to offer a ‘world first’ in the print industry. A brand new technology which achieves a 100% COVID safe paper coating for the lifetime of product. We manage print projects for a wide-ranging set of clients in varying industries & we have spent the last 10 months looking at ways to help our clients stay ‘COVID safe’ in both offices and their employee’s homes while they have been forced to work out of office. We have been speaking to printers, manufacturers of paper coatings and merchandisers & there have been some amazing developments. This COVID safe technology is being used in hospitality sectors as a coating for surfaces in hotels, pubs and restaurants, but it is a global first to be able to offer it in the print industry. So all of your marketing literature, menus & signages can be made COVID safe (so no more having to throw away the single use pieces that we have become accustomed to seeing). The same coating is also available in fabric for face masks (which can be branded) and is also available as a spray to apply to surfaces and handles. We have more information & case studies to show on this 100% COVID safe coating that we would love to share with you if this is of interest.
We have anti bacterial and anti viral laminates to cover menus, folders, brochures & business cards and all other printed items. There are anti viral coatings available for large format print items like roller banners, posters and indoor/outdoor banners and a multitude of ‘merchandise’ items such as pens, notebooks, sports bottles, mugs and travel cups to name but a few.
In short, when you are looking to produce branded and/or promotional printed items to get your business back up and running, we are your one stop shop for anti viral & anti bacterial solutions.