How does homework affect students?
Parents around the world will love the magical way in which children are encouraged to do their homework. For some parents, effectively encouraging children to do their homework requires changing their approach to children. Still, it is not difficult and only requires a little patience and a change of approach. Use these methods to help children do their homework and perform well at school.
Homework has always been considered one of the important factors in the realization of learning. In each period, by the perception of learning, the form, and type of task have been different. Perhaps in the past, if a student simply succeeded in preserving in his mind, he would have thought that learning had taken place in him. But today, with the definition of learning, there is an expectation of goals beyond that. One of the common variables about learning is the following: "Learning is a change that occurs in a person's ability and lasts for a while, and can't be simply attributed to the acquired growth processes."
A Stanford researcher found that too much homework can negatively affect kids, especially their lives away from school, where family, friends and activities matter.“Our findings on the effects of homework challenge the traditional assumption that homework is inherently good,” wrote Denise Pope, a senior lecturer at the Stanford Graduate School of Education and a co-author of a study published in the Journal of Experimental Education.
For this reason, homework is used as an exercise for learning and ability, and homework refers to those learning activities that are determined for students to do outside of the classroom and school in classroom learning.
Studies on homework effect on students
Hundreds of studies have been done on homework and its role in academic success. For example, this research dates back to ninety years ago, and they generally consider homework as an integral part of learning. Studies of teachers, students, and parents of professionals in recent years show that they all believe that homework helps students get better grades. Experts on the importance and role of homework in achieving learning believe that the main part in charge of learning should be done in the classroom, and extracurricular activities should complement learning and school activities. In some cases, the explanations given in class are sufficient for some students to learn. Still, for others, they may not be and therefore require more practice and review, in which case it is possible to determine appropriate assignments to meet the needs of each. "The student helped him with this.
Night homework; useful or not?
Night homework is one of the tasks that has been common for students in different countries since the establishment of public schools, mainly to complete school education, and sometimes as a means to achieve other educational goals such as self-employment, growth, responsibility, and study habits.
Today, due to the evolution of societies with the emergence of educational theories and the existence of media that is dedicated to students' leisure time, the necessity of homework in many countries has been questioned, and other ways to fill the leisure time of children and adolescents at home have been common.
The most comprehensive research on homework to date comes from a 2006 meta-analysis by Duke University psychology professor Harris Cooper, who found evidence of a positive correlation between homework and student achievement, meaning students who did homework performed better in school. The correlation was stronger for older students—in seventh through 12th grade—than for those in younger grades, for whom there was a weak relationship between homework and performance.
In some societies, the night's task still retains its traditional and valuable status, and since different groups are involved, this issue is still a topic of the day and includes a wide range of different thoughts and ideas. Homework is an activity that involves students and their parents has been viewed from different and even conflicting perspectives.
Opinions of opponents and proponents of homework
Proponents argue that if the necessary care is taken in determining the type of homework, and if the process is carefully evaluated, not only does it not interfere with school learning, but it is a good continuation for it. Opponents of this activity have mostly considered its inappropriate executive status, both at the stage of assigning tasks and at the stages of implementation and evaluation, as a reason for the futility of this activity. Despite this role, homework is undeniable as a link between home and school, and homework can be used as a means of communication between parents, students, and teachers.
What is important in this regard is how to repeat the material and practice what has been learned. It is clear that practicing or repeating school lessons can be useful when the factors affecting learning and academic achievement are also considered. Students in the same situation learn the subject more easily and quickly than students who have no obvious interest. Students may react positively to one type of homework and negatively to another. Such a student is more likely to make progress in a task that he or she has a positive attitude toward.
What is meant by homework or homework that a student must do to complete his or her educational skills and abilities? Does a student who has to transcribe four times achieve education's cognitive, emotional, and behavioral goals in providing homework? To what extent does homework contribute to the educational growth of students? Does the teacher increase his / her academic motivation and the growth of his / her creativity by giving him / her compulsory, heavy, boring, boring, unnecessary tasks?
Is only one traditional and stereotypical type of homework common in our education? Do not teachers and education specialists want to solve homework problems in the education system in another new way?
There is no doubt that homework will stabilize the learning and education of elementary school children, but we should not forget that the elementary school child is also living his life while writing homework. So homework should be in line with his life.
What drives the researcher to do such research is a careful assessment of teachers' performance in assigning assignments to students, and how these assignments are examined, and the impact of different types of assignments on students' learning. There is no doubt that a large number of teachers still traditionally say homework, and if the opportunity arises, they sometimes mark on the homework or the end of the homework by signing, and this homework assignment method for all students, and how it is examined can affect the degree of consolidation of students' learning. And it seems necessary to examine what percentage of our teachers share new methods in preparing and reviewing assignments and how these methods can be developed.