How does God solve our problems?
don carpenter
My postings help people remove mental health issues that inhibit success giving them freedom to maximize their potential
Answer: By revealing the truth that in the kingdom of God there are no problems to overcome. In other words, "if" you constantly abide in the consciousness of God, "problems will not come nigh thy dwelling place" because to God, and to your spiritual state of consciousness, there are no problems. This was confirmed by Jesus when he said "seek ye first the kingdom of God and then goodness, the absence of problems, will follow".
In other words, problems can only exist when your human nature, your ego-self, is taking thought of difficult situations because a problem has no existence apart from the thought or belief that is at the moment sustaining it. And so when you apply the Golden Key "stop thinking about the problem and think about God instead", the problem ceases to be because it never did exist outside of your thinking . And so it follows that when your mind is stayed on God, you are knowing the truth and when you "know the truth, the truth shall set you free from problems".
Know that since God is the only power because of omnipotence, that there are no problems to overcome because "in thy Presence" there is no power to manifest or cause problems. And so your spiritual consciousness translates itself into eliminating your problems because "when the spirit of God is upon you, the nothingness of problems must take place" because now you realize there cannot be the presence of any quality that is not of God.