How Does Cultural Diversity Help In Career Progression ?
Sasanka Dias
I Help Founders Build Purpose Driven Personal Brands For The Gig Economy | Speaker | Communications Consultant | Author of "One-Of-A-Kind Personal Brand"
Do you know that many employees around the globe believe they’re in the wrong job. More than 50% of people are looking for new jobs. The people who are happily engaged are less than 25%. Low engagement results in the loss of approximately $ 9 trillion for the global economy.
Cultural diversity is a frequent term uttered by many individuals in the current context though some have not really understood the real meaning of it. The definition of cultural diversity in a career perspective is a global workforce where all differences are represented. Cultural diversity in a local level and a global level are two diverse aspects. The mindset shift you require to deal with cultural diversity when you are joining a global workforce is immense. Cultural diversity is all about different backgrounds, different races, different sexual orientations,etc.
Cultural diversity drives you to an environment of inclusion where people from diverse backgrounds, diverse ideas, diverse beliefs work together as one team. Diversity and inclusion in the workplace bring in different opinions and a unique mix of talent ultimately which results in innovation.
Some of the best global examples of cultural diversity at workplace are Johnson & Johnson, Google and Kellogg’s. Google has an absolutely interesting motto or slogan saying “Never judge a search engine by its interface”. Google has built a real world solution by making 4000 languages available for the users with the utilisation of a diverse and inclusive global workforce.
According to Gartner, inclusive teams assist in improving team performance by up to 30% in high-diversity environments. Diversity, equity and inclusion are three crucial aspects of a global workplace in the current context. However, it goes beyond diversity, equity and inclusion; creating a real belonging in our culture is absolutely essential. Therefore, it should be diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging.
How does cultural diversity and inclusion help in career growth ?
When you feel more included in the work you do, you feel more engaged. Consequently, this makes a positive impact on several dimensions of the business such as; profitability, team morale and retention. How it helps your career growth is that you learn different skills when you are blended with a set of players with diverse skills. You need to level up to work together with the team.
2. New ideas and innovation
There is a certain point in your career you feel stagnated. During this situation, you need to think anew, think smart and think innovative to move forward. Harvard Business Review uncovered a significant relationship between diversity and the outcome of innovation. It was study conducted by surveying 1700 companies in 8 countries in a variety industries and company sizes analysing diversity in management positions, measured with respect to gender, age, national origin, career path, industry background, and education. An important aspect that you need to understand in you career is that ideas do not work alone, they work when we work together.
3. You will become a better performer
Diversity is a game changer. Another HBR study revealed that diverse companies are 70% more likely to capture new markets which in turn will reap better results. At a certain juncture in your career, you require the ability to outperform. Therefore, continuous improvement matters and the best way to relentlessly improve is working in a diverse team.
There are 4 pillars of diversity and inclusion that nurtures diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging and they are community, growth, education and engagement.
Therefore, as your next step in career progression, choose to work in a diverse workforce where you will improve in multiple aspects which will be an impetus to your career in the long run.
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Sasanka Dias