How does Block Therapy Benefit Back Pain
So many people struggle with chronic back pain. When dealing with chronic issues, we need to understand that it is an accumulation of how we live our life. Because we aren't aware of how everything we live affects us, sometimes pain surfaces for no clear reason. But there are reasons. It's the way we sit, walk, sleep, and move in general, pretty well everything we do affects our body.
Our lifestyle today centers around our devices, phones, computers, gaming consoles. It's very easy for us to fall into our lower ribs. Then everything tumbles forward and we have the weight of our upper body collapsing on our ribcage. This then becomes a vicious cycle, the more we collapse, the closer the connective tissue, (fascia) becomes and we compress more. Then all the tissue in the belly, in the ribcage has to go somewhere. And because we have lost the internal space, our belly protrudes as well as our back. We have these amazing postural muscles to support our cellular alignment, but if we don't use those muscles properly, the fascia creates "false walls and false floors". If we're collapsed all day long that's putting excessive tension in the back. We don't just collapse linearly. We spiral down in either a left or right pattern depending on which side is more dominant. Other factors like certain sports or instruments repeatedly put your posture in a specific alignment. This builds up over time creating that tension. It's not only how we sit but also how we stand. The foundation of the body supports everything up the chain but because we're dominant on one side we shift in our weight onto either leg.
Understanding those postural foundations and how to keep our cells properly aligned is key. Unfortunately, we're not starting with a body perfectly aligned, filled with oxygen to move forward. We're starting with a compressed body, filled with restrictions and adhesions that are blocking blood and oxygen flow.
And this is where this therapeutic tool, the Block Buddy comes in. Having the same density as our bones, we create a frequency connection. In Block Therapy we always address the cause site of the pain. Regardless of where your back pain is, upper or lower back, we need to address the collapse. The collapse creates compression, which creates tension, causing back pain.
So the position sequences we do in Block Therapy targets more than the back. We need to target more than where the pain is being felt. We target the front, sides, pelvis, hip flexors, and abductors.
These are all involved in how our back functions. The way to melt through these adhesions is to hold each position for at least 3 minutes and to breathe diaphragmatically.
Once we release these compressions, our cells can migrate to their correct alignment. You'll notice from doing a few positions, relief from pain and tension.
In the book, Healing Ancient Wounds: The Renegade's Wisdom Myofascial Release by John Barnes. He mentions that fascia grips and seals to itself and bone with a 2,000 PSI (pounds per square) force. That's an incredible amount of pressure if you consider, a pressure cooker has about 15 (PSI). Imagine, a pressure inside our body, equal to a pressure cooker 133 times the size of the one we use in our kitchen! This puts into perspective how powerful our fascia is.
So, you have no fear that lying on this tool is too hard, or that it will cause an organ to burst or a rib to break.
The fascia strands act like magnets, when they get close they lock onto each other. And once locked together you can't just pull them apart. We teach you the different positions on the Block Buddy that spiral into the tissue, shearing away the connection. Through diaphragmatic breathing we inflate the space, keeping the tissue at a distance and unsealing the fascia.
When we don't apply proper foundation and breathing we collapse into our core. Our cells then seal together with that force. So, when you suffer from chronic back pain, you are actually having pain everywhere in the body. There are 3 parts to healing chronic back pain with Block Therapy:
1. release the adhesions
2. inflate the space with oxygen. Through proper instruction of foundation, we bring your cells back to proper alignment.
3. Maintain the space-conscious awareness of your posture
As long as your cells are where they're supposed to be they're fed and clean they're doing their job for you. The way you move improves and your cells don't trigger pain signals.