How does Apple make high quality products ?
A glance at Apple products

How does Apple make high quality products ?

What makes Apple products so alluring ? What lies behind such high quality products ?

The secret lies it in design, well you can't exactly call it a secret but more of a firm conviction that Apple follow in their product development process.

Designers are to Apple, what data scientists are to Facebook, software developers are to Google.

Apple follows design as the fundamental principle for their product development process.

So, what are those key design concept that always stay in the back of their head, that help Apple make such wonderful products ? let's see over here -

Gold standard Industrial design for physical products -

What is Industrial design ? It is a specialized field of design that is focused on making physical products like iPhone, iPad, MacBook. It ensures that product is not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional, ergonomic, safe, and efficient.

Apple is known for its exceptionally high quality Industrial and product design. And the legendary Industrial designer behind that is Jony Ive, who is behind the iconic designs of Apple. Jony Ive began working with Apple in the earlier 1990s,

He went on to influence every Apple product and designed the iPod, the iPhone, the complete Mac lineup, the iPad, and the Apple Watch.

Apple takes inspiration from legendary German industrial designer Dieter Rams who was behind German consumer brand Braun's various products and was famously known for the design of the T3 transistor in particular.

Even Jonathan Ive had acknowledged that the Apple design lab adheres to Rams design philosophy and his principles of good design.

Clean, Minimal and Sophisticated instead of flashy and eye catching

What is one thing that sets Apple products apart from other brands ? Answer could be "probably the feeling of sophistication it carries alongside."

Where does it come from, though ?

Take a look at Apple products inside out, they follow a common theme, Simple, Clean and Minimal

It is the clean and minimal look, not just in hardware but also on the software side. Which coveys a sense of and sophistication, exclusivity and premium quality.

Its however, is not that easy, as Steve jobs famously "Simple can be harder than complex" you have to work hard to get your thinking to clean and simple.

Design isn't just aesthetic, but functional

A good design isn't just about how it looks, but primarily about how it works. Or in a simple way, the goal of a good design is to allow users to accomplish their desired task without much hassle.

Apple has always focused on providing an intuitive user interface inside its products that ends up giving a great user experience to its users.

This is one of the many reasons why those who switch to Apple products hardly come back to using their old counterparts

A consistent design pattern across products

Apple follows a consistent design patterns across all its products. By this consistency we mean the a following a similar pattern across layout, fonts, color, buttons in all their products.

But why is it so ? Consistency and coherence are fundamentals principles of a good design.

You see, When users encounter familiar patterns and behaviors, they can quickly understand how to interact with a product or interface. This reduces confusion and frustration, users don't need to relearn how to use a product or navigate a website each time they interact with it.

Prototype oriented development

Prototypes allow designers, engineers, and stakeholders to see what the product will look like and how it will function in the real world. This visual aspect aids in better understanding and communication of the design intent.

Unlike other companies, Apple starts making prototype of its products very early on, in product development process. They make multiple mockups of their product. And keep on testing and refining the designing it till they find a perfect design.

Constant Iteration

There is a saying "You won't get it right, in the first time". Seems like it is true after all. A high quality product is a result of constant improvisation and Apple takes this principle a little too seriously.

Usually companies would deem design process to be finished when the manufacturing begins. But Apple, iterates its products throughout the manufacturing process also. The product is built, reviewed and tested and then built all over again.

These cycles continue for 4-6 weeks and may be run many times over a product development process. And it is continued till they get a high quality and satisfactory product.

This was the end of our weekly story that delved into how design is at the epicenter of Apple's product development process and what are the key design philosophies that they adhere to.

Well, we at Nextedge labs follow the same design principles as Apple, and make sure that product is both functional and aesthetic. From Apps, websites and much more, we design and develop all kind of digital products. Want to get a glimpse ? visit -

About Us - Nextedge labs is an IT and Software development firm, we offer, different kinds of service, like UI Design, Mobile and web application development, Cloud computing services etc. Know more about us here -

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