How does it affect you
Proven Banking & Finance Executive : Finance, Tax, Accounting, Audit, Treasury, Strategy and Business development
People are different. We are all wired differently and we can’t all be the same. Different things happen to us at different times in our lives. Our backgrounds are different, our upbringings different. Our experiences are different too and that is why you will find different points of views as well as different responses to different circumstances.
I remember when I went to High school, on my first day I really cried a lot as I could not comprehend how someone can call some else a dog without blinking and without feelings of shame. Thing is, that was the norm in that school and the student called me a dog thought it was cool to refer to me that way. I was not wired that way. I was brought up in a Christian family that believed in human dignity and respect.
One day someone upset me so much, and I was outraged. Then the person who had upset me asks me “why are you getting excited?”. I was wondering to myself how ridiculous the statement was. Here I am so pissed then someone asks why I am getting excited. Later on, I discovered that asking me why I was getting excited was their way of asking what was upsetting me. My response was out of ignorance, and my offender never cared to explain to me what they meant, which aggravated the situation.
Things that happen to us affect us differently. There is what we have control over and there is what we can’t control i.e. we don’t have control over Covid-19 but we have control over what we do to keep Covid-19 at bay.