How do you want to feel next year?
Lesley Waldron
Transformational midlife & menopause coach | Helping senior leaders and business owners thrive by prioritising their wellbeing | Bespoke 1:1 coaching to renew your energy, impact, and zest for life and
New year’s resolutions are often about what we want to do or what we want to change.
Sometimes they come from a negative place….or because we just feel that we ‘should’.
But how about thinking about 2020 in a different way? About how you want to feel?
So, think about next year.
On December 31st 2020. How would you like to feel?
Take a deep breath. Take a moment to bring yourself forward in time. Close your eyes if that helps.
Really and truly. What do you feel?
This could be how you feel emotionally.
How you feel in your body.
How you feel in your family.
How you feel in your community.
How you feel in your workplace or your business.
How you feel in your life at that moment.
It could be words and feelings that apply to all of those elements of your life.
Not what you are doing. Not what you have accomplished, but what you feel.
Got it?
Write it down if you can….I love a big piece of recycled paper and colourful felt tips. Don’t take too long, give yourself a little peace and quiet and just write from your gut, don’t let your busy mind take over too much with the realities of life.
What could take you closer to that feeling today?
What could take you closer to that feeling next week?
What could take you closer to that feeling over the course of this year?
In order to feel that way, how are you acting in your everyday life?
In order to feel that way, what do you need to add into your life?
And what (or who) do you need to take out?
This could be behaviours, people, actions, habits, communities, obligations, values.
Keep writing. Keep colouring. Keep jotting. Don’t think too hard. Put on some tunes...and let it flow.
There is no right or wrong answer.
And from all of this.
Take one thing.
Look at the words.
What jumps out? What makes your tummy flutter in a good way?
Can you take action on that. Today.
Not next year. Not waiting for the right time.
If you’d like to explore this further, with a warm and welcoming group of women, come and join the next Wildly Well Woman retreat on 26th January 2020, for some New Year intention-setting as well as some relaxation and nourishment to get the year off to a great start.