How do you use the internet? (or) How successful people are winning by not being there all day?
Hemant Sharma
Program Manager TSM | 'The Mojo Guy' at The Mojo of Small Things - Writes on Productivity, Mindset & Growth | Consults for Content & Marketing for Non-Profits in Ed. | Speaker
Much of my last few years have gone into studying how or what makes people day to day and long term productive?
No matter how much I tried, I couldn't afford to miss out on how we use our devices?
Here is the peep into how successful people are winning every day by not being there on the internet all day long.
Successful people:
- They use the internet for communication and information. They are still using books for acquiring knowledge. If you want to scout people who are going to be successful with reasonable accuracy look for them in the airport book stores, or holding a kindle or having reading routines. Warren Buffet reads 500 pages of content every day (not that may be extreme but hope that help you take home the lesson)
- They are not hooked to it all day. They love their mornings and use them to prepare for the day and life. No wonder, 'The Miracle Morning' became such a movement in such a small time.
- They use the internet as a tool to give back or to make a change.
- They consume education and knowledge. Bill Gates spends his morning working out and watching edutainment videos (need we say more?).
- They spend more time on the tabs that are useful (they are selective while choosing their content but they stay there for long).
- Even if their work involves the internet as the main business tool - they follow shut-down routines.
- They don’t have a compulsive need to disrupt their work and reply/respond to every notification. They have surpassed the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) on a daily basis. They do it either by creating systems, using mono-tasking or by using the power of delegation.
Not so Successful people:
- They use the internet for validation and fame (read popularity and more). "They got to like me or the content I have posted" can really ruin your creativity too.
- They are hooked to it all day (Read they check their phone first thing in the morning and last thing in the night).
- They consume entertainment (even at the cost of their work).
- They have less attention span - one tab and then another and then you don’t know how you reached on this random quiz about movies.
Using the internet with intent and not addiction can become a game-changer when it comes to your productivity.
See you.