How do you turn your social media habit into the life of your dreams?
How many messages, emails and social media posts do you invest your time and energy into in one year of your life?
Everyone’s different, but still – the average person is a big consumer of these types of communication.
Are you frustrated with your life?
Do you wish you had more freedom?
More confidence and direction?
More cashflow?
More fulfilling work?
A more uplifting and loving community?
Here’s a powerful thought for you (and one that totally changed my life)…
…What if you turned your social media habit from one of consummation to one of CONTRIBUTION?
What if you started taking your energetic, visual and textual contribution to the world seriously… like both your and everyone else’s wellbeing depended on it….???!
What if you became OBSESSED with the value and solutions you have to offer the world??
The year I made that shift was the first year I doubled my income, started working less and having more fun – which has compounded every year since.
I simply started showing up with the conscious intention to contribute. Suddenly social media became SO MUCH MORE FUN! Oh and I built a 6-figure income without spending a single dollar on ads!
And it all starts with the conversation that YOU are valuable and you have something to offer.
But guess what – it’s YOUR responsibility to tap that and take ACTION to share it with IMPACT.
It’s YOUR job to quit resisting and waiting and making excuses.
It’s YOUR job to create the habits to show up and be of service with consistency.
It’s YOUR job to build the courage and faith and to commit to making it work.
Being YOU fully is a life lived in presence, joy and freedom, instead of doubt, anxiety and limitation.
You get to carve that path for yourself and only YOU know what will work for you. But you can say YES to the support to get out of your own way and make it happen.
Follow your inspiration, share it with others… and the world will open up at your feet.
If you’re ready for support with creating an organic content marketing strategy that’s authentic, aligned and IMPACTFUL (both for your audience and your bottom line!) – Hit reply, I have an exciting opportunity for you.
Big Love,