The Meaning(s) of Labor Day
For many, Labor Day doesn't mean much more than a long weekend, or an opportunity to look for a good mattress sale. Some might even think of it is an outdated holiday. But once I started thinking more about it, I started to look at it differently.
For example, the spirit behind Labor Day can have particularly special meanings in our Down syndrome community for various reasons.
First, for a kid growing up with Down syndrome, it is hard work! I see the extra effort my daughter gives just to get through the day. Factoring in school-work easily triples it. She is always exhausted.
Which brings us to our second labor force, our educators. The principals, counselors, diagnosticians, therapists, paraprofessionals, and of course, the teachers, who all work hard to try to provide the best learning experience for our kids.
Then there are the organizations, like?The Down Syndrome Association of Houston, that work hard to provide unique programs to give all people with Down syndrome, from new born to adult, a more fulfilling life.?
Next, more directly in line with the traditional concept of Labor Day, are the companies who employ those with Down syndrome and other challenges. Those are the companies that not only have a heart, but also have a broader mind and vision to recognize the potential in everyone, and how to give a person that great feeling of accomplishment and independence which they value so deeply.?
Last but not least, there are the parents. For every ounce of work their kids do, there is a pound of love, worry, commitment, fight and pride felt by the parents all along the way.?
So as we celebrate Labor Day in honor of all the hard workers, let’s not forget about this special community of kids, parents, educators, volunteers and employers who are all working their tails off just to do what’s right.
If you want to learn more, participate, or simply show your support, then just visit my daughter's team page for the DSAH Buddy Walk, by CLICKING THE LINK BELOW. The Buddy Walk is the primary awareness and fundraising event for many Down syndrome organizations across the country. Organizations like DSAH depend heavily on support from individuals like YOU in order for them?to continue providing valuable resources and support to the families in the Down syndrome community.