How do you teach frontend development to a new-comer or yourself
Adarsh Somani
Frontend engineer with experience in React, Angular and SSR (Holds canadian PR)
Before writing this article, I tried teaching few backend developers, I am sharing few tips based on my experience
Tell them to not to memorize anything
That's the beauty of web development, Unlike the backend programming language where you need to remember many classes, utilities, paradigms and flow diagram, Frontend development gives you an option to explore your creativity and create the templates, which suits you the most.
So basic tip is to not to memorize any thing, instead learner should visualize, what he will be making like a clone to facebook or amazon etc. Once this goal is fixed, he might be lured into and can easily apply his own ideas. You can even set a timeline for the goal like 15 days. After that you help him to start building each block of the website and teach him to merge them together.
Learning HTML
After the goal is fixed, he might need to learn a few HTML tags, You can teach the tags as vocabulary and compared them to MS Word, if candidate is familiar with it. Like adding paragraphs, pagebreaks, divisions, hyperlinks etc.
Tags for day 1
html, head, body, title, p, h1-h6, div, img
Tags for day 2
span, a, pre, u, i, b, strong, mark, table, tr, td, th, label, ul, ol, li
Tags for day 3
form, input, radio, textarea, checkbox, buttons, fieldsets
Attributes for Day 4
Fourth day should be dedicated to tags attributes like style, height, value, title, alt. Luckily we don't have many attributes in HTML, so it might be a easy part, Just a hands-on will be enough
Advance Tags
Section, Header, Footer, Aside, Object, Video, Audio, FigCaption, Article, Canvas(Optional), SVG(Optional)
So you can complete the basics of html in 4 days besides advance tags, I will suggest to complete the basics and move the next section of CSS, Once you start creating more web pages, you instincts will help you to learn about more advance tags, when you need them.
Learning CSS
Here is the fun part, now you can start decorating your html to give a better look and feel, you can visit for inspiration for creating good looking website. Once you feel motivated, You can start with this section.
Day 1
Using class and id identifiers, color the font, change font-style, font-size, add background color,
Day 2
Layouts: Margin, Padding, Box Model,
Positioning (Static, Absolute, Fixed), Adding Border, Border-radius
Text Decoration:
Hover effect
Day 3
Background Image, Box Shadow, Gradient Background, CSS Transform, CSS Transition
Day 4-5
Flexbox Model
Advance Topics
Keyframe Animations, Brazier Curve, Pseudo Classes, Scroll Effects
So You can use 6-7 days on CSS excluding Advance Topics, Once you get a confidence on basic CSS, You can start moving to advance topics, But for now, You should move to JavaScript
Learning JavaScript
Javascript is an actual programming language like C#, Java etc. It's very flexible and fun to learn, You can download node console to practice or you can run it inside browser to view output of your program. A good reference might be
Day 1
Keywords, DataTypes, Operations like Add, Sub,
Day 2
Event Handling like click, keypress, keydown.
Query HTML elements by Id, TagName
Using innerHTML and innerText
Day 3-4
For Loop, while loop, String and Array Operations
Day 5-8
OOJS, Inheritence, Polymorphism, IIFE, Closures
Day 9-14
Ajax, Form Validation, JSON parsing,
So after spending 4 days on HTML, 1 week on CSS and 2-3 weeks on Javascript will be enough to give you jump start, assuming you are total noob in programming. Just 1/2 hour to -1 hour/day practice will be enough to reach to this goal. If you are a fast learner or coded before, You can complete this course in 1/4th time also.
After that you can start with Frameworks like React, Vue, Angular etc.