How do you start over?

How do you start over?

Starting over is part of the human experience. You’ve done it many times over the course of your life and probably took it for granted. When have you started over? When you graduated public school and started at the bottom again in high school; when you rose to the graduate year in high school and then left to either start over on the bottom wrung at university or college, or began your work life chapter. How many times did you start over in relationships? How about when you started a new chapter as a parent?

And how many times have you started over in your career?

For the most part, we just go about making the change happen, and it does. But what happens when you perceive the risk of starting over too high, or where you have had a failure when starting a new chapter and are now reluctant and afraid to start over again?

Here’s the first thing to understand: you have all the talent and capability to start a new chapter and have incredible success! Period! You do not lack the ability to do so.

If that’s the case then, how do you ensure success in your new chapter?

Here’s a guide:

1.      First, give yourself permission to start over.

Too often we just back into our next chapter without any real planning, and more often than not it’s comfortably along the same lines as we’ve been experiencing. Give yourself permission to start a brand new chapter – something totally different if that’s what you want. Then, when you know how to start a new chapter successfully, and I can help you with that, there’s no risk.

2.      Explore and discover what you really want to do.

Rarely do we actually take a look at what it is we truly would love to do i.e. what’s in what I call our “sweet spot, and go after our next chapter in alignment with that. Building on point #1, give yourself permission to explore your sweep spot – which is the intersection of what you love to do, what you’re really good at (and would enjoy getting better and better), and given those two things how you can help people (i.e. provide service).

Yes you can explore new industries, companies, careers, conduct your research etc. But when it comes down to it, the ease of your success is directly related to how much you are in your sweet spot.

3.      Align your self-image with what you want to do

Right now your self-image is in complete alignment with your current results, professionally and personally. Whether you like your results or not, your self-image is the key component that has put you there. That’s a fact!

You don’t lack the talent or capability to start any new chapter you truly desire, you just need to align key aspects of your subconscious conditioning, the biggest of which is your self-image, with the success you desire in your new chapter.

4.      Make the decision to go for it

Decision is the top attribute of successful people – this based on decades of research. Your ability to go all-in, no excuses is a game changer, or rather a life changer! The minute you close off other paths (of escape) your mind then goes hard at work to make your decided path happen. Until that decision, your mind is not firing at that higher and focused level to manifest your new chapter, and so often then the “how to get there’ eludes you. And so you stay stuck and don’t make the decision to make your new chapter happen.

5.      Create new habits that will support your new chapter.

Right now your habitual way of thinking, feeling and acting are giving you your current results. Change your habits and your results will change. What habits you say? How about the way you think and feel about money, selling, networking, work-life balance, risk, and the list goes on.

6.      Protect your vibe

Everything is energy in this universe, and that includes our thoughts, feelings and obviously physical action. Energy vibrates, and it vibrates on frequencies. Start to understand and be aware of your vibration. When you are down, frustrated, worried or fearful, you are on a lower vibration. You can tell that yourself right now. When you are excited, confident, elated or joyful, you can absolutely feel that is a higher vibration. And here’s the thing – you can only attract what is on your vibration!

Imagine if you knew how to control your vibration and kept it at a much higher level (which is where dream goals are)? Just imagine what you would attract compared to what you attract now. Success in your new chapter depends on your ability to attract the resources, clients, opportunities you need to be successful.

Some simple ways to control your vibe: gratitude, finding things to celebrate, managing your attitude, and knowing how to shut out the “noise”.

As Napoleon Hill puts it “have a mind closed tightly against all negative and discouraging influences (that includes negative noise from friends and family).”

7.      A regular alliance with one or more people who encourage and support you towards your goal.

My motto is “Together we thrive”. It’s so true and there’s a reason for that. No one has achieved any measure of true success without the help of others who are in a position to help them. If you think you can go it alone, think again! You cannot!

We are way better, way stronger together.

What you are capable of when you multiply your power with the minds of like minded, open minded, and goal achieving individuals is staggering!

Find people to mastermind with, even if it starts with just one other, whom you trust and who fills the above description. Be selective, it’s worth it.

When you know how success works, that there is a step by step process and a certain order of doing these steps, success becomes almost mathematical. When you embrace these principles, not only is success probable, it’s inevitable!

To fabulous and successful new chapters!

Sandy Rutherford

Sandy is an elite-level coach who works with legendary Bob Proctor – the top success and prosperity teacher in the world for 60 years. She is passionate about who you are and all that you are capable of, and specializes in helping you create a path to extraordinary new chapters of success through the application of a life-changing world renowned success system.

If you would like to explore this with Sandy, please book a time to chat with her at


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