How do you spell the "W" word?

How do you spell the "W" word?

Many people are unaware that the word "whisk(e)y" can be spelled with or without the letter "e".

Originally, "whisky" was the common spelling used around the world. Then in the mid to late 1800's, during a period when the quality of Scotch being sold declined, Irish and American distilleries adopted a new spelling, "whiskey", in order to differentiate themselves from their poorer Scottish competition.

Today the spelling of "whisky" is generally used for whiskies from Scotland, Wales, Canada, Japan and India, while "whiskey" is used by distilleries in Ireland and America, though a number of exceptions to the rule do exist.

I have chosen to use the spelling of "Whiskey" in my company’s name and spell it with a stylized letter "e", meant to represent its optional inclusion around the world and to give a nod to my world whiskey interest.  Generally speaking however, the two spellings can be used interchangeably or in conjunction with each other, depending on how close to convention you wish your writing to be. So as not to look internally inconsistent to “normal” people, who don’t know any of this spelling backstory, I generally choose to use the same spelling as “Vanek Whiskey Events” in my writing.


Tom Vanek, Whisky / Whiskey Connoisseur的更多文章

