How Do You Show Gratitude?
"...Freely you have received, freely give." Matthew 10:8 NKJV
We talk about gratitude every day and why it's important to say thank you when you receive something. But most times, we limit gratitude to just that small act of saying the words, "Thank You" while our hearts say otherwise. The expression of gratitude through action has bigger dimensions that we fall short of.
For a couple of years, I got tired of serving others, especially in church. It became frustrating, tiring and the bitterness grew. I was the only one that knew this because, on the outside, I looked normal. The reason was simple - I had forgotten why I served in the first place.
To express gratitude through action, your memory must be good. You can't act in gratitude without remembering what you are grateful for. No wonder when we are asked to count our blessings and just say "Thank You Jesus" for an extended period, we max out after a short while.
Science suggests that when you're unhappy or experience consistent negative emotions, something is wrong with your gratitude meter. No wonder many people are angry all the time. We don't live from a point of gratitude but entitlement.
The day I remembered that I served because of the gifts, skills, opportunities, leverage, and life that God had given me, my mindset changed. And like magic, my moods, actions, and patience level changed drastically.
When you really show gratitude, there are some actions you'll start to take, such as:
1. You realise you are privileged. You have what you have not because you earned it but because you were blessed with it. So, when you do something and the right action isn't returned, you're able to shrug off the feeling of entitlement after a while. It won't be immediate, but your willpower gets stronger every time you do it.
2. You're more willing to give. From our focus scripture, it's evident that we are to give, not because of what we will reap in return but because of how we have been blessed. You become more willing to use your money, time, and intellect to move someone else forward.
3. Your self-worth increases. This balances the second point. You may be tempted to use all your time for others in the name of showing gratitude. But you also learn how to say no because your self-worth isn't attached to how people thank you for the work you do but is attached to the little acts of gratitude, you're able to do daily.
One small act of gratitude in a day can fill your heart with joy. A million acts done with an expectation of a desired response just makes you angry. You may not be able to serve that person today, but an opportunity can open later in the future.
What this article means is simple: The next time you see someone acting contrary to how a grateful heart should act, know that he or she is hurting and has a low gratitude meter.
The next time you act and feel negatively about something, check your gratitude meter as well. It needs fixing.
Today's Task: How do you want to show gratitude today through your work? Pick one way and do it.
Know someone who needs to pump up their acts of gratitude? Share this with them.