How do you see me? H for HUMBLE in the HEART series | more at
How do you see me?
This short text is about the HEART-serie. The first text out– is about being - Humble – the H in HEART
Humility is key for psychological safety - or?
How do you see me?
Are you being run over – in life, at work – all over? Too much humility?
Are you running over the others – in life, at work – all over? Too little humility?
= You get what you get – in the long run?
Feedback – is the key to understanding and using – fuckups as feedback – if others care enough to tell you, what, why, how - so.
Psychological safety is a big thing, these days. That you should be safe enough – anywhere – to be yourself fully. But do you need to be a bully?
When you are NOT psychologically safe – you kind of – are playing a game. First, you have to be aware of what situation you are in – and then adjust – kind of game, to whatever seems right at the moment, not right for you – because you are TOO humble to stay up for yourself. No – playing someone – is what takes energy. Energy is what you need to – focus, concentrate, and do your best version of you – as in doing as good as you can, anytime, anywhere, with anyone.
I see a lot of people struggling with this – humility. And it seems to be a black-and-white thing – I hope I am wrong, but so far, I seem to have been right. What do you think? Yes or no, or even maybe?
Are you either or (and if so – is that based on energy) OR are you the same, no matter what?
Being humble is the core trait, many say, for great people. Or at least the people that know – the great people around them – say so. (Meaning - you might have to know someone before you know, someone).
I don’t know!
My point is simple, being yourself doesn’t mean you have to be the full 100% of yourself – always. BUT my point (it is a coin this point) also – you should be 100% true to what you stand for as who you are, always. No games – but situational awareness, always.
Improvement CAN start with self-awareness.
So - how do people see you?
Do they even bother to answer the question – when you ask them? NO – that is an answer. But – what do they say? Because you do that – ask others about how they see you.
Great people – in my experience, are 1% humble, no matter what. Because – as many of them say, there is a universe of options out there – and damn if I see all perspectives. But I am also 99% sure about myself. What about you – how do YOU see you?
Feedback wanted