How do you See Failure?

How do you See Failure?

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Have you watched the video where Giannis Antetokounmpo, NBA player was asked by a reporter if “this year was a failure” since his team got out of the playoffs.

He shook his head and had a face expression that spoke volumes.

And this pic is the face I made when I heard that question.

Then, Giannis replied:

“Do you get a promotion every year in your job? No right. Is this a failure, yes or no?”

Then the reporter said no.

“Every year you work, you work towards something, towards a goal. Which is to get a promotion, to be able to provide for your family(…)”

“It’s not failure. It’s steps to success.”

“MJ played 15 years and won 6 championships. Were the other 9 a failure? That’s what you are telling me?”

And the reporter replied no.

And the big lesson he expressed is this one: “There is no failure in sports.”

Meaning that each practice, each game, each experience is a “step towards success”, either you win or you lose.

I’ve been in the elite athletes shoes and I am also in the entrepreneurs shoes.

And at times, it’s as if some people are actively waiting for you to stumble, to fall, to make a mistake, so they can remind you that what you’re trying to do is nonsense or that you failed.

Keep. Going.

These are your steps towards success.

How Much Do You Really Want to Fit In?

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Last week, I had an interesting conversation with a friend about education.

This is a topic that's so dear to my heart.

She was admitting that until she had a wake up call at 28 years old, she never really knew who she was.

Because many people had made her believe along the different schools she went to, that she was unworthy, uncapable and different.

When we speak about normality and standards, there is a part of me that cringes.

Because none of us are meant to fit in a box.

To me, unique and different are where the focus should be.

Because unique and different is allowing us to open our minds to learn new things, to view in another perspective.

What I do is strongly related to this.

None of my clients do the same thing.

They all shine in their own and unique way.


That's why I feel like the coaching and consulting business are not saturated markets.

Because 2 people might work towards the same goal, but each of them reach it with their own process and their own spin.

Now. Tell me in the comments: What makes YOU unique?

Important Talk

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How important is it for you to actually LIVE your life?

What I mean by that is this.

It seems that many people make the decision to wait until something happens to experience happiness. Wait until this and that before daring to do something new.

  • When I am debt free.
  • When my kids will leave for college.
  • When I retire.
  • When I have more time.
  • When ...

In fact, these are only excuses...

Because you know what?

Sometimes, you just have to make that move; start that new thing; embrace what you are curious or passionate about , etc.

And then, what happens is amazing.

You get to tap into parts of yourself that you've never thought existed.

You do whatever it takes to make it work.

But you won't experience any of this if you don't try...

One of my clients took 25 years before acting on her dream of coaching others, because she thought she needed more credentials.

Another one almost allowed her job to lead her to depression, before getting started and working on her business 15 minutes per day at the beginning.

Another one kept enduring feeling undervalued at work before starting his own thing and help companies increase their bottom lines.

That can be you. Today.

But only if you decide.

So. Let's talk about it.

Let's talk about your dream business and how you can finally set it up.

Click here to book a call with me.

#executive #highachievers #eliteathletes #coach #consultant #coachingbusiness #consultingbusiness #liveyourpurpose #monetize #monetizeyourknowledge


Fabienne Rapha?l International Speaker, Coach, Emcee的更多文章

