Do you say these words correctly?

Do you say these words correctly?

Have you ever written the word 'somefink'? I hope the answer is no. Another question, have you ever said the word 'somefink'? I hope the answer is still no but I have heard it said by people who should know better, many times.

What about the word 'our'? I'm sure that everyone reading this writes 'our car' but I wonder how many people use the wrong vowel sound when they say it! Do you say 'our car' or do you say the dreaded 'are car'? Our is a tripthong and should be pronounced in exactly the same way as the word 'hour'.

Another one to catch you out – how would you say this list? The car, the bottle, the elephant, the idea, the cup? Well, the elephant and the idea should have been pronounced thee elephant and thee idea. If the word following 'the' starts with a vowel it is pronounced 'thee'.

Then we have the problem of adding or taking away syllables in words. Mischievous has only three syllables it is not mishievIous with four. Probably has three and not two as a lot of people say – probly. Try athlete – it has two syllables not three as in athElete and children will find spelling much easier if the say different (diff er ent) and not diffrent. The same with interest (in ter est) and every (e ver ree). With these last few – different, interest and every the middle syllable is very quick but it is there.

Good pronunciation is essential if you want to presesnt a professional image.

You may have the best ideas but if no one can understand you, if you mumble, people will never know how brilliant you are. Today we use emails and messaging systems a lot to connect with people but the spoken word is still the most effective way of communicating.

For more information about good pronunciation enrol on my online course or look at my website


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