How do you retire financially independent?
What is the goal of having a retirement plan? To have enough money in the bank or in investments to be able to draw a monthly income so that you can live a comfortable life after you stop work. The time period you will generally need a retirement plan is from approximately age 65 to age 85…about 20 years, some 10 and a few as much as 30. This takes having a strategic plan. It is understood that you would need around 70-80% of their pre-retirement income to keep the lifestyle they are accustomed to. So how do you get to that point at this stage of your career?
The perfect retirement advice then is to set a lifestyle goal (monthly money of 3K, 5K, 10K, ?etc.) of what you need monthly to live and then figure out the amount you need to save during your working years to achieve that goal (typically with a?normal 5% rate of return, $750K, 1.2 million, $2.5 million,?in the bank will be needed).
But let us be real. Most people do not have that kind of career savings to even begin to approach that much in the bank. The average person in the USA, which is among the richest countries in the world per capita, has an average savings of only $165,000. That savings would yield $687 per month of income. Social Security in the USA averages $1500 per month. That is a long way from $5 million. Realistically, it is not possible to create that kind of income from a regular job as most people define job. You will need another approach if you are the average Joe, Jack, or Jill.
Fortunately, there is a more ideal way to reach your retirement goals and that is through taking advantage of opportunity when it presents itself. Knowing the right opportunity at the right time is the key. These keys to the vault do not come along often and are typically reserved for only those in high places. I’m going to share with you the best opportunity I’ve seen in my 50 years as a dentist being involved in savings, investing, business and trading.
ONPASSIVE is in beta testing right now and will launch to the public in just weeks. ONPASSIVE is an AI-IT company that will be valued at 6 billion dollars in opening day of launch. There will be over a million customers on that day alone and those who are Founders will be set to receive a lion’s share of the profits from all sales from then on. The cost to be a Founder is $97. The cost of a subscription to all of the 50 ONPASSIVE products is around $250 a month which Founders pay out of pocket only once.?Customers will pay $250 every month, yet they will get extreme value for that small amount. The compensation plan for Founders is unique and proprietary but will yield envious commissions daily. Monthly incomes of $3K, 5K, 10K, will not be uncommon over time. The actual commission structure means that your earnings potential is unlimited. Earnings will grow each month, year, and decade. You will never worry about finances again and your children either.
Compare the total of $350 with any amount you would need to have in the bank to reach these kinds of numbers. It is not even close. The ONPASSIVE automated income system is the best that has ever been devised. Because there is no inventory, no sales or recruiting required, no shipping or storage necessary, this is a big winner. Because it works automatically to find and make sales with targeted traffic on your behalf 24/7/365, you will make money while you sleep, eat and play. All this for being a Founder before we launch.
Retirement Plan A is to have a recurring income stream set up to run for the rests of your life. Set up with an array of products that are state-of-the-art and highly desired by every person who uses the internet or who is in business today. Being a Founder in ONPASSIVE will be even better than being someone who got Apple or Microsoft stock in its very beginning. Much better. Giving 6 billion people what they want and need for a better price, a superior value, is the Plan. Having a stake in the company as a Founder is the Plan. Make the move to ONPASSIVE today before the launch when Founder positions are no longer available.
A secure, well-funded retirement is just one simple decision away. Written by Dr. Bill Williams one of the top 100 dentists in the USA and a proud founder of OnPassive.
If you would like to understand more about the opportunity that presents itself then please feel free to message or click the link below