How do you respond when things are GREAT?
Christopher Richards
?? Business Leadership Coach-Consultant ?? ?? Working with Vision-driven Leaders & Companies for Positive Global Change. ??
I remember when I would automatically answer this question as,
"Then I'm happy ...duh!"
It wasn't until I went deeper into my healing and grew my awareness to see that actually...
When things were great, I wanted to push it away or control it in some way.
The internal message I wasn't aware of at the time was, "this is TOO good"
I often see this coming up in clients as well, whether it's in their relationship, their finances, or their internal feeling of peace.
I've found that a lot of people feel weird and uncomfortable when things are going great.
When a client builds a relationship with an amazing partner, only to find themselves causing issues, moderating the love they receive, or simply pushing the person away - all to gain a sense of control.
The thoughts often follow (depending on awareness) are "this is too good, I feel out of control, I don't know if I deserve this or what could happen next"
For this reason, I see people mess up amazing relationships and then the next person causes heartache and stress, but that feels more comfortable than a partner who loves you fully, trusts you, and is trustworthy, fun, and kind.
I mean, "what's wrong with them? - What are they hiding?!" ...Right?
In finances, I see the same thing...A client creates their first $100,000 launch, and immediately feels AMAZING.
I ask: "ok, once that amazing feeling starts to relax, what else do you feel?"
The answers are almost always:
Here is this incredibly gifted, caring, expert in their field, with a product that's a no-brainer, obvious "YES" that people clearly see the benefit.
But because it felt it was "too much" and they get the immediate:
"NOPE! - it doesn't feel like it's mine, some shit is going to happen, and I don't want it!"
Lastly, is that esoteric chestnut called "Inner peace"
That amazing feeling of calm mixed with a stability of self-certainty that I call "peaceful power"
It's when you've been under pressure for so long, doing all the things, feeling frenetic and uneasy, but then something happens.
You hired the team members, implement the system, delegate your tasks out and look at your calendar to find very little.
Riiiiiiight before you screw it up.
Because it's too much Peace!
Yeah, seems silly when I lay it out like this, huh?
Peace, joy, and fulfilment is what the good life is all about, so why would someone who has worked so hard to create them, immediately get themselves caught in the weeds and chaos again?
I'm sure there's a justification you could add here, some bullshit about nothing ever lasts, or there's always another problem...
But those could be handled without losing the inner peace, so why throw it away so easily?
Could it really be that deep-down, feeling peace, calm, and ease feels "too much"? - Or worse, does it feel dangerous?
A lot of people have had experiences which make them feel on guard all the time, and there's a story that says
"if I drop my guard, I'm going to get hurt!"
So Love, Money, and Peace - All get messed up and thrown away, all because part of you decided it's too much, or too scary to have them in abundance!
The truth is, all of these issues actually come down to just TWO core problems.
To internal measures that decide what you deserve to safely receive and keep.
They are;
1. Self-Trust
- to feel the deep knowing of "I got this" as you're able to move through life and deal with any situation with a sense of deep certainty and calm.
2. Self-Worth
- to feel deserving and good enough to receive and keep anything you attract into your life, without questioning if you've done enough to earn it or if you're going to lose it somehow.
Because it's when you cultivate and calibrate these two internal measures, that amazing possibilities open up.
And you feel more love than you've ever had before, create more wealth than ever before, and feel so fucking good, in a way no one can take it away or mess with it.
That is what is truly possible for the brave person who steps in to do the work to build these two things.
For everyone else, it's likely that eventually they'll either mess up what they've got, or they get stuck in cycles of receiving and losing, receiving and losing.
(I see it all the time!)
Because unfortunately, that's what happens when you don't have enough trust and worth in your life.
If you recognise yourself here, please do connect with me and let's have a conversation that can draw out any internal issues, and start to resolve them ASAP!