How do you Resonate?
Maybe you’ve never thought much about what resonates with you or what kind of signal you’re radiating to the people around you. Read, Resonate, and you’ll know how much this matters. One principle underlies all change, and how you make a difference to every person, project and purpose in your life, and your own mind-body is your instrument for mastering it. Resonate shows you how.
What does it look like when we change how we resonate? Here’s a story from Kristi (far left in the photo above), a physician who’s been part of our HEAL programs at IZL.
[One of my patients was] a man with back pain who was a self-employed contractor. It was all he knew, his grandfather taught him the trade and he had never done anything else. He worked really hard, hence the back pain. He couldn't afford the treatments because he couldn't work, and couldn't work because he couldn't afford the treatments. He was hopeless and angry at me (and at the world). If I had just ordered the MRI when he asked for it the first time he would have met his deductible. Coping mode...I was at a loss, stuck. In the past I might have just given him a prescription and a physical therapy referral just to do something and get out of the room. But I remembered: relax, enter, and add value. I stayed open, honest and curious. We joined. He shifted. I listened and asked unlikely questions for a doctor-patient visit. He came out of the visit with his new (completely unexpected) plans to teach his craft and wanting to have coffee with me to discuss his ideas. He's now out of pain and doesn't need to come see me anymore.
Kristi beautifully gives us both the prescription for how she changed the signal she was sending, as well as the outcome. “I remembered: Relax, enter, add value. I stayed open, honest and curious. We joined. He shifted.” This is exactly how resonance works. We change first – relaxing, opening – get on the same wavelength with another person, then they’re able to shift. On the one hand it’s pure physics. And on the other hand, pure compassion.
- Ginny Whitelaw, July 2019