How do you relate to reality?

How do you relate to reality?

How you relate to reality?

What is real and what is not?

We often get sucked in man-made constructs which are not congruent with reality and our unique Being.

If you let these constructs to hold you back without questioning them you will never project your unique Being, you will never go after your dreams.

One of the examples of man-made constructs are money. It is important to understand that money are made up!! It is also important to acknowledge reality that we need money if we want to experience more things in life.

?So, if you are saying that you don’t need money or that money are not important that is not congruent with reality! You are lying to yourself because maybe it is too painful to look at your current situation and say What is.

But until we acknowledge reality and say what IS we can’t change it. And what you resist to acknowledge persists and that’s why people are caught up in a loop of feeling lack, not enoughness.

So, with money example it is not about focusing on money this is very important to understand. Because if you will put all your focus on money, you will feel more lack and you will be attached to money, so you will become enslaved to money. It this case money will control how you feel, what actions you are going to take, how you behave and how you make decision.

The best way to make money is to focus not on making money. Maybe sounds contradictory. From my personal experience, nothing is about money. Money are nothing more then opportunities, and how you create opportunities?

You create opportunities the way you are BEING!

First understand who and how you are Being and then you will be doing things that will bring you money or whatever you want. And you will not be attached to money or feel lack because you will shift thinking paradigms. You will internalize that BEING comes first.

So, the first question should always BE

Who and How do you need to BE, so then I can do ….. and then I will have!!

If you do that money will not control how and when you will take actions, make decision and this brings freedom to your life. You can BE your authentic self and create opportunities.

Notice how aware you are of your thoughts.

Because I’m a coach and have been coaching for a while now I’m very aware of my chatter. But even though it never goes away.

This Saturday I was making decision to join a programme because I know it will help me to understand commercial side and grow my business. And all of a sudden, I started to hear the voice in my head that it will not work, and that they are all the same and so on.

Because I’m very aware I always ask question

Who is running the show here Me (My unique Being) or internal dialog ?

Is that true or perception?

And I found out that it was perception from one person I used to interact in the past which is not even mine!

So, then I tell myself that I’m Choosing, I’m running the show and let go of all faulty perception, when I make decisions.

And I can tell you when I’m connected to my Being (your Being is your soul, your higher self, your intuition) I always make right decision even if I have to take risk! It helps me to take the risk and tap into courage.

So, just notice for yourself how often do you allow perceptions of someone else to make decisions for you.

Who is running the show in your life YOU (your unique Being) or your internal dialog?

What is the impact on your results letting your internal dialog to run the show for you?

What is the impact on you on others?

This doesn’t need to be just about money, it can be anything I used money as example because majority of people are stuck in perception that there is lack of money!

Money are also about BEING resourceful, this is why it is so important to understand how human operates, what is your Unique Being and what is your relationship with your aspects of Being, how you relate to reality.

Where are you telling yourself that you are OK when you are not?

Where do you pretend you are OK when you are not?

I was pretending for 8 years that I was happy and in reality, I was not!

Why was I pretending? Because I had unhealthy relationship with mood Vulnerability, and I was avoiding seeing reality and that cost on my health and also financial cost was huge!

So, see it is never about money but about Who and How we are Being every day! It is about awareness of our relationship with our aspects of Being, what moods run the show and who is making decisions in your life YOU or perceptions and opinions of others.

Are you aware that your negative self-talk, your disempowered internal dialog like: I can’t , I will never, I always is not even yours but it is always perception of some other people you interacted in the past.

Understand that it is their experience their perceptions and now you are allowing their experience and their perception to control how you are going to take actions, make decision and live YOUR LIFE.

Do you really what to live your life this way?

If you allow man made constructs to control how, when you take action, you will never express your unique Being. Because you will be always doing what is right instead of doing what you KNOW is right. There is big difference in doing what is right and doing what you KNOW is right.

What are the consequences of your negative self-talk, self-doubt?

What does it cost you?

How would your life change if YOU take responsibility in your life instead of letting perceptions and opinions of others to control your decisions and actions?

See there is not magic it is all about understanding our ways of Being and how we relate to reality.

This is what Ontological coaching and Being profile assessment tool is about. By measuring your Aspects of Being using the Being profile, you become aware of how you are Bing in terms of your current default essence or what-ness (your BEING)

Newfound awareness will move you toward the future you. Your new TO BE model.

So, you can see through the lens of real human qualities rather than man-made constructs.

For example, care, courage, authenticity, vulnerability, responsibility, assertiveness are not man-made constructs!

For very long time I couldn’t put fingers where is the gap, as a coach I’ve done a lot of work, studied neuroscience and psychology and I manage to change quite a lot.

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And that’s until I came across 6 month ago to ontological approach and Being profile. Being profile is measuring the health of our relationship with our aspects of Being, it is literally like getting blood test with clear results.

If you are curious, you can check to discover for yourself how it can help you in achieving results that you want.

And if you are willing to go deeper then book a free call with me and we can have conversation what the benefits will be for you and how I can help you to achieve results that you want in your life.?


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