How do you regain your flow state?

How do you regain your flow state?

How do you know when you are in and out of "flow state". My definition of flow state is when things are working in your favor even when the things happen that arent to your liking you see the wisdom of how that obstacle was inserted in that moment with a greater purpose then you could be aware of at the moment the disappointment set in. You become aware of your emotions and the temptation to react rather then pause until you can get back in flow.

Think of a flowing river beneath you moving with a rapid current, the energy is all of "the things" going on in the day. Family, work, health, and everything outside of your control. It is all moving quickly under you. As you see those things you dont like and you hear the things you dont want you feel this raft blowing up underneath you filling with stories about what these things could mean, to feel safe in an unknowing emotional and vulnerable state.

The water begins to dam and start wildly splashing as the resistance you are feeling grows quickly into fears and if you are making decisions during the resistant fearful state it creates other dams where the issues stories and drama grow around it.

Now imagine you have a practice a skill you have developed and can access to drop into the flow of the wild river with presence and gratitude. Just take a deep breath and imagine your energy field shooting straight into the mother earth deep into the core. Calling in her energy to fill your feet legs waist up flowing into your heart and bursting out the top of your head like a Fountain of colorful energy spilling into your entire body and this feeling as you are breathing in the earth settles you relaxes your nervous system. The wild flow of the river is still happening yet the stillness and peace fill your heart and mind.

The stories and fears rise again spilling into your day, in these moments taking a sober second to shift again, sending your energy into the earth filling the space with this loving, gentle light, flowing like a fountain. These people thoughts and challenges are still in front of you and those feelings of fear are present yet your focus and energy is grounded within the earth you feel this settled relaxed presence with "what is". It is all happening the excitement and learning that the decisions you are making to cope, process and navigate everything can be in harmony when you drop back int your flow state. You feel this light in the darkness, trusting in your own developed stillness within the racing river.

This is your flow. Your unique harmony your stillness and awareness within the crazy wild river of life. You are HOME in your body on the earth and trusting yourself not from a place of fear from a space of knowing yourself and because you arent in that old pattern of fear and resistance to what is going on around you the choices/actions you are taking are creating more peace of mind. And you stay focused on creating what you want which is a skill.

A new feeling of gratitude for the obstacle itself emerges because you are directing this flow it feels like a dance with yourself. You are not in control of its wildness but you are able to hold yourself and stay grounded and still in the midst of the crazy. The journey inside creates clarity a feeling of "fuck yes" and distinct "hell no" to challenges and obstacles you are facing. Now your action is moving you towards what you want vs being triggered in resistance to what is actually happening you could react like a three year old who didnt get exactly what you wanted, throwing a fit.

OR rather then feeling exhausted and dragged by this river because you are in resistance and fear of all of the issues and challenges presented in every other moment you trust your skills. Grounding, breathing, filling with your own unique essence with mother earth energy creating so much capacity and space for life and all of the interesting adventures it brings.

You may not enjoy or like each moment presenting but now you are skilled in presence and gratitude for the opportunity to practice co creating with this flow splashing in the wild river of life laughing with these wild moments that would usually push you into the old habit of fear and resistance and making decisions that create more of what you do not want. You are clear and grateful for the opportunity to practice only making decisions "in your flow" state.

"The answers my friend are blowing in the wind the answers are blowing in the wind" now you have this direct connection to the universal flow which lies within you not outside of you. Call it God, Angels, Mother Earth, Universe or whatever makes you feel safe it lies within your reach to live in the harmony of the loving embrace of your own squeeze your own presence YOU have YOU!!!

And as you are discovering how RARE you are and this new tool/skill few people understand and even fewer practice because it takes a lot of work. Many people are simply in the rapids of life. Their resistance habit creates stories of fear and they take action in that space which creates more drama for them to navigate, bringing in a flood of flow they do not desire and are entirely unequipped to handle. Sometimes people feel like they are drowning in the mess of life but there is another way.

The "Flow" is entirely within your reach step into becoming "the Queen of your flow". STOP your stories, if you make ANY shift from reading this article practice STOPPING the stories NO more creating stories from a place of uncertainty, fear, resistance, and triggers. If you dont know SIT IN THAT. YES life can be VERY uncomfortable it is designed that way.

JUST WAIT send your energy into mother earth, fill yourself, breath, still your beautiful creative mind, even laugh at yourself and life if you can. Bring presence into your body feel what is going on. From your flow make your choices, tune into each moment and decision with discernment. Life is the rapids and everyone is in them. Your practice in presence will make this process the adventure it is designed to be.

The Flow is your birth right and the more evolved we are becoming as human beings the more aware we are that we are creating everything in our lives by the way we take action in each moment. It is an evolution to take radical responsibility not for what is happening but for how we respond to those things that are happening. Yes you may be attracting these lessons into your life over and over but it is for you to heal the trigger and unravel your stories with presence stillness and joy for this wild experience of life as a human being.

Try practicing this in one area of your life maybe in business or with your kids? The next time a coworker or your boss says something you dont like sit in it do your practice gain clarity FIRST and find your flow, then respond and see the magic that lies on the otherside. You can do this! Now try it with your kids it may be easier as you love them and have been practicing empathy, patience and understanding with them. But try leaning into it can you stay unresponsive in the rapids sitting in your own triggers and discomfort without reacting. Deepening your gratitude and love for yourself and witnessing this wave of emotions without reacting in a negative way.

I believe in you!! Anything worth doing right is worth doing wrong for a while. Your life is worth the work! DO it!

Coach Whitney Kell Practitioner of the Queen of Flow


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