How do you react to risk?
Ryan C Weiss
We help you eliminate the chaos of bad handoffs between departments. You, your clients, your employees, and your leadership team deserve better! Solve bad handoffs in 5 easy steps...
Identify & name the risks that are facing your business or causing you stress. (Some risks are perceived, and some are real - both are important!) You should then identify the emotions that you associate with each of the risks.
At the start of COVID, the three human reactions to the risks became incredibly clear...
Sales of alcohol, toilet paper, and ammunition shot through the roof. We can all remember the "great TP shortage of 2020". Liquor sales spiked. Ammunition became difficult to find...
What have you learned about your personal response to risks? How prepared are you to lead & care for your team's emotional & physical needs through future challenges?
Great leaders must keep a pulse on the variety of ways that your team will react in the midst of crisis...
I personally led teams through hurricanes, floods, disease, and other natural disasters during my time in the Philippines. Our "business continuity planning" processes included understanding the impact on people, processes, & performance. I also learned valuable lessons about connecting with people on the personal level to continue engaging hearts and minds toward a common successful outcome.
The EPS team is committed to helping your organization to identify, align, improve & execute on effective processes. Data can help you with objective decision making, but you also need to consider your emotions related to key decisions.
Our shared services team is working with big data to enable decision making, including the understanding of predictive analytics to see the opportunities & warning signs ahead. We also work with your team to navigate the challenges that you are facing.
Interested in learning more? Check us out at or book a call at to chat about the risks & opportunities facing your business!
Keep moving forward!