How Do You Rank?

How Do You Rank?

A huge part of developing as an individual includes developing our minds. When your mind is trained to run the correct software, you can produce amazing results. When you push your personal boundaries and challenge your assumptions, the greatest version of you will manifest. You become The Inevitable You?!

Below are five areas that people consider important but struggle with in their everyday lives. On a scale of 1 to 5, rank each area as it pertains to you, one being the area that is hardest for you, five being the easiest.

  • Money
  • Career
  •  Love·     
  • Health
  • Parenting

Now that you have ranked them accordingly, let's talk about why. For example: If you listed Career at the top of your list, what is it about your career that makes you unhappy? There could be several reasons that make up your why. Maybe, you are working for a company you are unhappy at? You feel underappreciated by management? etc...

Obviously, the order of rank is different for everyone. Regardless of the order, you HAVE to look within yourself and understand why your mind is stuck in this negative pattern. Once you learn to understand the way your mental software works, then you can work on reprogramming your mindset.

If it is fear that is hindering you from becoming a better version of yourself, then think about turning your fears into goals. Conquer your fears, proceed past procrastination and become a MASTER in motivation. Fear is an emotion that can override our intelligence. From a personal growth standpoint, I know this to be true.

  • If you do not go after what you want, you’ll never have it. Don’t fear change, embrace it. Hold yourself accountable to do what you say you will do.
  • If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse. Know your worth.
  • If you do not ask, the answer will always be no. Stand up for yourself and invest your energy in the present. It's just taking that first step, embracing change, and moving forward. If the step is never taken, you will always be in the same place. 
  • Sacrifice for what you want, if you don’t, what you want becomes the sacrifice.

So many people give up right before their big breakthrough. So often we quit when things get tough, and yet so often the toughest part of enacting change happens right before successful change adoption. If you choose something you believe in, then go after it with everything you have, someday all that hard work and sacrifice will pay off. The key is to not accept defeat and stay focused on the goal.

We choose the journey we want to take in life. We may take different paths but the beauty of being human is our free will. Bound by no obligations or limitations. Learn to speak without regret or fear of consequence. Triumph over your obstacles, with your personal victory in mind. Work on releasing the old you, and start allowing the greatest version of you to come through. 



