How do you play offence in an empathetic world?
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How do you play offence in an empathetic world?

I first started noticing it a few years ago. Society had started putting so much emphasis on Empathetic leadership (which of course I agree with), that leaders were getting confused on how to be tough without coming across like an a**hole.? The leadership school of thought shifted from “tough leader” to “empathetic leader” swiftly, without necessarily describing how to sometimes buckle down and get sh*t done when needed.?

I see too many leaders using empathy as a crutch to avoid making difficult or unpopular decisions that come with running a business. Leaders failing to recognise the difference between kindness and conflict-avoidance.?

Being an empathetic leader is not about avoiding unpopular decisions. It’s about having the courage to make the tough calls, and then executing them with compassion and integrity.?

Separate the decision from its execution.?

Running an organisation brings with it a responsibility - to do the right thing, even if the decision is unpopular. Making a strategic pivot that results in laying off some of your employees? Need to tell a leader you’re bringing in another executive over them? Step up and make the tough calls.

But once you’ve made the decision, make sure you execute with kindness. ?

  • Build a caring plan. Think of the person or group who will be the most adversely impacted, and design (severance packages, etc) with them in mind. ?
  • Communicate swiftly.? Speak as soon as possible to those being impacted. Being stuck in limbo is far more cruel than just dealing with the situation.??
  • Be honest. Brene Brown coined the term compassionate honesty. Treat your people with dignity and kindness. But always, the truth.
  • Take personal accountability. Own the decision, and communicate it yourself as the decision you made.??

Whatever you do, don't avoid the tough decisions, just because you want to be liked. The latter will result in far worse outcomes for all in the end.

#ceo #founderculture #growthstage #startupculture #sparkyourleadership #toughbutkind #empatheticleadership

Mariel Davis

Cofounder & Chief Customer Officer @ Spokn

1 年

I love the advice to 'separate the decision from the execution,' Dipti Salopek. It's such a great reminder that we can always choose to act with kindness - even (and perhaps especially) in moments that feel so high-pressure or chaotic.


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