How do you organize a #ClimateTech Summit? (Part 2)

How do you organize a #ClimateTech Summit? (Part 2)

I am part of the?SOSV?team organizing our upcoming event ( and I'll talk a bit about what goes on behind the scene (Part 1 is here).

When we started to plan the event we had some ideas about what kind of sessions would be interesting. We also knew that more ideas would come on the way, and that there were many interesting speakers we did not even know about yet.

So we asked registrants for ideas, and oh boy did you have ideas!

Some unexpected names: Slavoj Zizek (my favorite Slovenian philosopher), Arnold, Leo, Emma Watson, an inordinate number of academics, a few politicians (AOC, etc.), Jean-Marc Jancovici (French energy and carbon accounting expert and entrepreneur, also a best selling 'graphic lecture' author), a few sci-fi writers, Yuval Noah Harari and many, many more. The two most requested speakers are Bill Gates (by far) and Elon Musk. Maybe Bill Gates will join again, maybe Elon Musk, maybe both!

Here are 400+ suggestions shared by the 2000+ registrants so far:

  2. AgFunder
  3. Airminers
  4. Akiva Goldsman
  5. Akshat Rathi
  6. Akshay Singhal - Log9 Material
  7. Al Gore
  8. Albert Wenger
  9. Alex Blumberg
  10. Alex Greenhalgh
  11. Alex Zachery
  12. Alexander Shkolnik of Liquid Piston
  13. AlgiKnit => Coming soon!
  14. Ali Emadi - Enedym
  15. Aliette de Bodard
  16. Alper Güven
  17. Alpesh Doshi
  18. Amazon Web Services
  19. Amy Harder => Interviewed Bill Gates in 2021, maybe back this year
  20. Azeem Azhar
  21. Anastasia Volkova
  22. Anders Bjartnes
  23. Andrew BeeBee (Obvious Ventures)
  24. Andrew Brynes
  25. Annalee Newitz
  26. Anne Hidalgo
  27. Anne Sophie Mertgen
  28. Anthony Buonassisi
  29. António Guterres
  30. AOC
  31. Arcady Sonav
  32. Arch Rao
  33. Arman Atoyan (ARLOOPA founder)
  34. Arnold Schwarzenegger
  35. Arthur from Time for The Planet
  36. Arthur Russell Rogers
  37. Arumugam Aramvalarthanathan (GestAlt Network)
  38. Arunas Chesonis
  39. Ashoka
  40. Aunie Patton
  41. Autodesk sustainability efforts in manufacturing
  42. Ayana Johnson
  43. Azeem Azar
  44. Azolla Ventures
  45. Azolla Ventures
  46. Barack Obama
  47. Benjamin Joffe => Coming soon!
  48. Benjamin Tincq (Marble)
  49. Benjamin Tintignac
  50. Bernard Arnault
  51. Bertrand Piccard
  52. Bhaktha Keshavachar - Chara Technologies
  53. Bilal Bomani
  54. Bill Gates => Spoke in 2021
  55. Bill Gross => Spoke in 2021
  56. Bill Russo of Automobility
  57. BJ Johnson (ClearFlame Engines)
  58. Blackrock
  59. Bob Mumgaard of Commonwealth Fusion Systems
  60. Bradford Vorhees from Sustainable Bitcoin Protocol
  61. Brainbox
  62. Brant Richards, Managing Director, Third Derivative
  63. Breakthrough Energy Ventures
  64. Brock Dolman of the Occidental Arts & Ecology Center
  65. Bruce Cahan, Stanford Professor
  66. Bruce Friedrich
  67. Calwave
  68. Camus
  69. Cana
  70. Cara Chacon
  71. Carbon Engineering
  72. Carbon13
  73. Carlos Araque => Speaking!
  74. Carmichael Roberts
  75. Cassandra Yip-Lee
  76. Cathy Wood
  77. CEO of Ocean Cleanup and Seabin
  78. Chante Harris
  79. Chris Sacca => Speaking!
  80. Chris Theriault
  81. Christian Kroll
  82. Christian Rangen
  83. Christiana Figueres
  84. Christina Shim, VP Strategy and Sustainability, IBM
  85. Dr. Christoph Gebald (Climeworks) => Speaking!
  86. Clea Kolster of LowerCarbon => Spoke in 2021
  87. Closed Loop Partners
  88. Cody Simms, MCJ => Speaking!
  89. Coller Initiatives
  90. Convention des entreprises pour le climat
  91. Corentin de Chatelperron
  92. Crusoe
  93. Cyril Ebersweiler
  94. Cyril Yee, Chief Innovation Officer, Third Derivative => Coming soon
  95. Daimler Mercedes
  96. Dambisa Moyo
  97. Daniel Goldman (Clean Energy Ventures)
  98. Danijel Vi?evi?
  99. Danny Kennedy
  100. Daria Saharova, World Fund => Speaking
  101. Dave Danielson
  102. David Friedberg
  103. David Keith (Carbon Engineering)
  104. David Sacks
  105. Davide Casaleggio
  106. Dawn Lippert
  107. Dell Foundation
  108. Demis Hassibis
  109. Department of Defense
  110. Dickon Pinner
  111. Didier Toubia Aleph Farms
  112. Diego Pachamama
  113. Diego Saez-Gil
  114. Donald Sadoway
  115. Donnel Baird
  116. Doug Bernauer
  117. Dr. Alan Hudd
  118. Dr. Caspar Donnison (UC Davis - BECCS and wildfire mitigation)
  119. Dr. Edda Sif Pind Aradóttir, CEO of Carbfix
  120. Dr. Jacob wood
  121. Dr. James Hagan (UPenn)
  122. Dr. Jonathan Foley
  123. Dr. Surya Kalidindi
  124. Duncan Turner, HAX / SOSV
  125. Edda (Carbfix)
  126. Edward Muller, Chairman of the UCLA Institute for Carbon Management
  127. Elaine Hsieh, Principal, Third Derivative
  128. Ellen MacArthur
  129. Elon Musk
  130. Emily Kirsch
  131. Emily Reichert => Spoke in 2021
  132. Emma Watson
  133. Emmanuel Faber
  134. Eric Ingersoll
  135. Eric Schmidt
  136. Eric Trusiewicz
  137. Ethan Brown of Beyond Meat
  138. Etosha Cave (Twelve)
  139. EU regulators
  140. Farmers Business Network
  141. Fifth Wall
  142. Finless Foods
  143. First Movers Coalition
  144. Flow Carbon
  145. Footprint Coalition
  146. Form Energy => Spoke in 2021
  147. Franklin Servan Schreiber
  148. Frederik Hagenauer
  149. Frontier Group
  150. Garry Cooper (Rheaply)
  151. Gene Berdichevsky
  152. General Motors
  153. Gianmauro Calafiore (on solar power in Italy)
  154. Gina McCarthy
  155. Girish Nadkarni - Climate tech investor
  156. Giulia Siccardo
  157. Glaciologist Dr. Jean Robert Petit
  158. Global South
  159. GO Lab
  160. Greentown Labs
  161. Greg Smithies from Fifth Wall Climate Fund
  162. Greta Thunberg
  163. Gurinder Nagra (Furno Materials)
  164. H2GO Power
  165. Halil ibrahim dursunoglu
  166. Hampus Jakkobsson, Pale Blue Dot
  167. Hana Kajimura
  168. Head of the EPA
  169. Heirloom
  170. Helion Energy => Speaking!
  171. Herman Gyr
  172. Horace H. Dediu
  182. Hugh Bowen
  183. Hydrogenics (Cummins)
  184. Ibrahim Alhusseini (Fullcycle)
  185. Iggy Basso @ Cervest
  186. Ilan Gur
  187. Ilham Kadri
  188. Ilya Sheyman
  189. Insolight
  190. IPCC experts
  191. IREC Foundation
  192. Iveco
  193. James C. fish Jr.
  194. James Geshwiler
  195. James Litinsky
  196. Jamie Beck Alexander, Drawdown Labs
  197. Jan-Henk Welink 1st Secretary and Initiator at Knowledge Platform Sustainable Resource Management
  198. Jared Blumenfeld
  199. Jason Jacobs at MCJ Collective => Spoke in 2021
  200. JB Straubel, Redwood Materials
  201. Jean Marc Jancovici
  202. Jean Moreau
  203. Jean Shi
  204. Jeff Bezos
  205. Jeff Brown
  206. Jeff Holmstead
  207. Jen-Yu Huang
  208. Secretary Jennifer Granholm
  209. Jennifer Holmgren, LanzaTech => Spoke in 2021
  210. Jenny Rooke
  211. Jesse Jenkins
  212. Jigar Shah => Speaking!
  213. Joanna Klitzke
  214. Joe Biden
  215. Joe Manchin
  216. Johan Rockstr?m
  217. John Doerr
  218. John Kerry
  219. John Thackara
  220. Johnson & matthey
  221. Joshua Posamentier
  222. Judith Rodin
  223. Jules Kortenhorst
  224. Julia Brady, Valo Ventures
  225. Julio Friedman
  226. Kate Raworth
  227. Katherine Hayhoe
  228. Kathleen Alexander, Savor
  229. Kathy Hannun
  230. Katie Rae => Spoke in 2021
  231. Kavickumar
  232. Ken Caldiera
  233. Kerry Bowie
  234. Kevin Kelly
  235. Khosla Ventures => Speaking!
  236. Kiko Ventures
  237. Kim Le
  238. Kim Stanley Robinson
  239. Kimberly Henderson
  240. Kiran Bhatraju (Arcadia)
  241. Kirsten Dunlop (EIC Climate-KIC)
  242. Larry Fink, Blackrock
  243. Lawrence Ang, Climate Smart Ventures
  244. Leo DiCaprio
  245. Liam Hardey
  246. Lightship Energy
  247. Lloyd Alter
  248. locus joppa microsoft
  249. Lourenco Goncalves
  250. Lubomila Jordanova
  251. M. P?nar Mengü?
  252. Maarten Van Aalst, Director of Climate Center
  253. Maija Itkonen, CEO Onego Bio
  254. malkom
  255. Margarita Quihuis, CEO Peace Innovation
  256. Mari-Ann Meigo Fonseca
  257. Marisa Cuevas
  258. Mark Carney, former head of the Bank of England and Canada
  259. Mark DeSantis
  260. Mark Gallogly
  261. mark kearney
  262. Mark Russell - CEO of HyperSciences
  263. Marshall Shepherd
  264. Masayoshi Son
  265. Mateo Jaramillo => Spoke in 2021
  266. Matias Muchnick => Speaking!
  267. Matt Peterson
  268. Matt Soule
  269. Matthew Nordan
  270. Mattias Josephson
  271. Max Shusteff LLNL
  272. Megan O'Connor (Nth Cycle)
  273. Melinda and Bill Gates Foundation
  274. Melissa Lott
  275. Mery Crystal Ra- public artist/ visionary/ underground art activist/ peace activist /energy art activistart activist
  276. Michael Beck
  277. Michael Liebreich
  278. Michael Selden CEO, Finless Foods
  279. Microsoft
  280. Mike Barlow- author/ writer NYC, USA
  281. Mike Berners-Lee
  282. Mike Cagney
  283. Mike Cannon-Brookes
  284. Mike Lin (Dangerous Ventures)
  285. Mitt Romney
  286. Naked Energy
  287. Nan Ransohoff (Stripe)
  288. NASA
  289. Nate Adams
  290. Navin Danapal
  291. Neal Stephenson => Speaking!
  292. Neeraj Berry
  293. Next meat CEO
  294. Nick Chadwick, Mission Zero CEO
  295. Nick Ellis
  296. Noah Horowitz, Director of ClimateWorks Foundation
  297. Noah Planavsky - Yale professor
  298. Northvolt
  299. Novoloop => Spoke in 2021
  300. NovoNutrients
  301. Ocean Health
  302. Olya Irzak (Frost Methane)
  303. Oscar Ramos, SOSV / Orbit Startups
  304. Pae Wu, SOSV / IndieBio
  305. Patagonia's Circular Economy Responsible employee
  306. Patrick Brown
  307. Patrick Ehlen on the latest in Cognitive AI + Quantum Computing helping in climate matters
  308. Paul Anastas (Yale)
  309. Paul Fischbeck
  310. Paul Hawken
  311. Pela/Lomi - Matthew Bertulli
  312. Pete Buttigieg
  313. Peter Diamandis
  314. Peter Gajdo?
  315. Peter McHale - Gaia.AI
  316. Phoenix Tailings
  317. Pieter Bakker WBSDC
  318. Planet A
  319. Po Bronson, SOSV / IndieBio
  320. Prescinto
  321. Prime Coalition
  322. Prime minister Bainimarama
  323. Prof. Dr. Maximilian Fichtner
  324. Project Drawdown
  325. Rachel Slaybaugh
  326. Raffael Jovine, Brilliant Planet => Speaking!
  327. Rajesh Swaminathan, Khosla Ventures => Speaking!
  328. Ramazan Sari
  329. Ramez Naam
  330. Rapid Mode Shift
  331. Ray Kurzweil
  332. Remi Bouteille
  333. Remora
  334. Richard Reed
  335. Risk managers from Moody’s
  336. Rob Genieser, ETF Partners
  337. Robert Downey Jr (Footprint Coalition)
  338. Rodrigo Garcia Gonzalez & Pierre Paslier (Cofounders & Co-CEOs of Notpla)
  339. Russell Smith of Rizome
  340. Sama Bilbao y León
  341. Sandhya Sriram
  342. Sarah Hunter, X => Speaking!
  343. Sarah Lemaison
  344. Sarah Sclarsic, founder Voyager ventures => Speaking!
  345. Saul Griffith
  346. Scott Hamlin, CEO of LooptWorks
  347. Scott Nguyen (Bodhi)
  348. Sean O'sullivan
  349. Sebastian Born, founder of lilium
  350. Sequoia Climate Fund
  351. Shannon Miller, Mainspring
  352. Shaun Seaman
  353. Shayle Kahn, EIP => Speaking!
  354. Sheridan Tatsuno- author / writer /urban planner
  355. Shift Project
  356. Sir David Attenborough
  357. Slavoj Zizek
  358. Smart Helios
  359. Solitaire Townsend (Futerra)
  360. Someone from Japan and Korea who can speak about their blue hydrogen /?ammonia plans
  361. Sophie Purdom of Climate Tech VC => Coming soon!
  362. SouthPole
  363. Square Climate Fund
  364. Stella McCartney
  365. Stephen Chambers, SOSV / IndieBio
  366. Steve Howard, CSO of Temasek => GenZero is speaking and Temasek spoke in 2021
  367. Steve Oldham
  368. Stewart Brand
  369. Sundar Pichai
  370. Sunfolding
  371. Suzanne DiBianca
  372. Terracycle
  373. Terraformation => Speaking!
  374. The Earthshot Prize
  375. Thomas Annicq
  376. Thomas Nann, CEO of
  377. Tiger Global Management
  378. Tim Cook
  379. Tim Davies (Hiiroc)
  380. Tim Swager
  381. Tom Chi (At One)
  382. Tom Rand (ArcTurn Ventures)
  383. Tom Steyer
  384. Tom Szaky
  385. Tony Fadell, Principal at Future Shape => Spoke in 2021
  386. Tony Robbins
  387. Toucan Protocol
  388. Toyota
  389. TPG Rise
  390. Ufuk Dundar
  391. Uma Valeti (Upside Foods) => Spoke in 2021
  392. USV => Speaking!
  393. Vanessa Chan
  394. Venna von Lepel
  395. Vera Schroeder
  396. Verdox (DAC company)
  397. Vinod Khosla => Spoke in 2021
  398. Vitalik Buterin
  399. William Bien
  400. World Fund => Speaking!
  401. X => Speaking!
  402. Yet-Ming Chiang => Speaking!
  403. Yin Yan
  404. Yuval Noah Harari

Let us know if you have suggestions - we do take them seriously!

Also, do not hesitate to share widely so your friend don't miss it! It's easy via LinkedIn at? simply applying a filter.


Nobu Kumagai

Founding Managing Partner, Wildcard Incubator/editorial contributor - NewsPicks, Forbes Japan, CNET Japan /*Co-Founder at a stealthy food startup

2 年

Should’ve asked me! Benjamin Joffe



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