How Do You Manage Your Days?
HOW DO YOU MANAGE YOUR DAYS? “If only I had more time!” is pretty much a normal reaction many of us have blurted out at one point in our lives. The irony is that in this day and age where everyone wants things instant and everything must be done in

How Do You Manage Your Days?

“If only I had more time!” is pretty much a normal reaction many of us have blurted out at one point in our lives. The irony is that in this day and age where everyone wants things instant and everything must be done in a jiffy, majority of us continue to complain because we desire more time to accomplish more things.?Great advancements in technology and science unfortunately ?continue to be inadequate to solve the mystery of increasing time. Therefore, the best thing left for us is understanding the nature of time since doing so always serves as a good reminder on how we should spend this important resource, especially in the light of several basic truths:


-??????Everyone has an equal amount of it in a day

-??????Once it’s used, it can never be retrieved

-??????Whether we realize it or not, time costs

-??????How and where we spend our time tells us a lot about ourselves

-??????How and where we spend our time will reveal whether we will be a success or a failure


I’m turning 50 years old in a couple of days and upon introspection (this is what “old” people do a lot), I came to the realization that if my life were to be a clock, I would actually be around the ?8 o’clock area already which I estimate to be three fourths of my estimated life expectancy. What an immensely sobering thought for me this was to the point that this reality has contributed significantly on how I make decisions and how I manage my time. For instance, I constantly find myself placed at a crossroad?as I reflect on what things I value most and ?basing my decisions on this, to learn how to prioritize my schedule based on what is most important to me.?Nowadays, time cannot be wasted so I need to always be intentional and purposeful on how I use it which has resulted in providing me consistency in my behavior?leading me to spend most of my time on these key things:


-??????Expanding my influence and establishing my legacy by building relationships and mentoring people

-??????Daily exercise and proper nutrition so I can give my all each and every day and to be able to extend my days, months and years here in this world

-??????Constant learning by reading books, attending seminars and talking to subject matter experts and experienced people

-??????Trying new experiences like going to a new place, trying a new dish and meeting different kinds of people???

-??????Being more intimate with my Maker so I can discover each day what a blessed life I’ve been given




Steve Pierce says, "The difference between what you were yesterday and what you

will be tomorrow is what you do today." If you haven’t figured out how to live out your remaining time here, ask yourself these questions:


a.????What do I really want?

b.????What are the key things that I can do to help me get to where I want to be?

c.????Who can I approach who can help me to get to where I want to be?

d.????What are the things I am not in control of that I need to ask my Maker to help me with?


One of my favorite stories I love quoting is about the gazelle and the lion in Africa. Both wake up every morning understanding this -?For the gazelle, they need to outrun the fastest running lion or else they’re dinner. For the lion, they need to outrun the slowest-running gazelle or go hungry and die. For both animals, the lesson is this: it doesn’t matter which animal you are. What matters is that when the sun rises, both of you better start running!


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