How do you know you're ready to be uncommon?
We often get asked "so what makes you uncommon?" to which we normally respond with "how much time do you have?" ??
Jokes aside, we often flip the script and ask potential partners and clients if they're even ready for something uncommon - whether it's an industry gathering, internal meeting, management conference, virtual event or workshop. Truth is, many aren't.
It's like the Dunning-Kruger effect of events: Folks often overestimate their desire for something different, meaningful, transformational and yes, uncommon. But when push comes to shove, the majority descend back into medocrity and very common ways of working. We get it; it's not easy being a pioneer, pushing back against the status quo or fighting for the budget. In these trying times of the Great Resignation and Languishing, not everyone has it in them to fight the good fight, and that's okay.
If, however, you're up for the challenge, here's a little checklist to see if you should get in touch:
ISSUES: You know exactly what the challenges and opportunities are?
INTENTION: You're committed to exploring & tackling these with meaningful contributions from all stakeholders. You believe in the old adage 'uncommon times call for uncommon approaches'
IMMEDIACY: You're ready to start yesterday?
So if you're a bold maverick (genuinely) willing to shake things up, you know where to find us.