How Do You Know When It’s The Right Time To Buy Your Next Investment Property?

How Do You Know When It’s The Right Time To Buy Your Next Investment Property?

I think the following raises some excellent points about Right Time To Buy Your Next Investment Property. I’ve included a few of the highlights for you to get the gist of the article:

One of the things I constantly see as a property investment strategist  is investors who have missed out on a great opportunity because they were so consumed with timing the markets, they forgot to actually take the plunge and buy something.

Generally, these investors become obsessed with the idea of buying right at the bottom of a property cycle so they can secure a “bargain”. 

They wait and watch and when they start hearing talk in the media about a market slowdown or impending crash, they think, “Ah ha, now is the time to make my move! Or is it?

You see, this type of investor becomes so determined to get the best possible deal that they are never quite sure if prices could go just that little bit lower; so they wait.

Of course by the time they realise they should make a move, the so called “bargains” have come and gone and the market is moving onward and upward again.

But that doesn’t seem to change their behaviour.

And as the property cycle moved on, so too does the waiting game played by these would-be investors.

While timing of the markets is important to some degree, it is definitely not the key to investment success.

What do you think? Maybe you’d like to read on? Check out the full version here… then give me a call to discuss how this might impact your own business: (0417) 141-894. Alternatively, email me at [email protected].




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